Its the constant chewing…...
Jazzy usually only chews toys – even Bryan was surprised that I can leave her leather leash in the kennel with her at shows, and she won't touch it! -- Even as a puppy she didn't do too much damage to things, except for one of a pair of Winnie-the-pooh slippers, and the occasional marker left on the floor by the kids. I thought it was because she had a huge supply of toys to chew. If she grabbed anything that was off-limits, we would tell her "Leave it" and replace it immediately with a rawhide or something else that was nice and chewy.
Now, when she WANTS rawhide chews, she will bring me something that she is not supposed to chew on and we trade! LOL It's really funny.
She has proven to NOT be the destructive force we had feared.Good Luck!
… but its the chewing every waking moment i give her raw hides she loves them and her large toy box assortment of stuffed animals and rubber dog chews usually keeps her occupied... but she does seem to chew on things she knows isnt accetable... a firm no usually does the trick but is this chewing something she will out grow or is this gonna be something i have to watch for always ???
10 wk old pups shouldn't have rawhide (IMO). my dog is about a year & a half, and even he doesn't get rawhide. If any large chunk is ingested, it can cause blockage. the same goes for those pre-packaged bones, they can contain bacteria, which can upset a pup's system. I think the best options for puppy chewing, are the puppy chew toys. Some good ones are the Orka toys (the gripper, the jack, the jack & rope), and the puppy KONG.
The company Red Barn makes some better "rawhide" options, they have bones made of SMALL rawhide pieces - which sort of crumble apart. I have used these, and my dog loved them when he was little. (they make a mess, but are much safer) Here's some links: dog is a year and a half and still a major chewer. Now that he's older he enjoys bully sticks, filled hooves, and real marrow bones. (only when supervised though) I never allow rawhide though, I feel it's just too dangerous.
The chewing probably won't stop anytime soon, but you have to teach that you & your belongings are NOT chew toys. I always play "trade ya!"… my dog grabs a slipper, I grab a chew toy, and say "Trade ya!" taking the slipper away, but providing the chew toy. as long as you provide appropriate things, and keep a close eye, the chewing can be controlled. also, when you see your dog choose a toy, reward her! encourage it.
OHHHHHHHHHHH !!! I wasnt aware of the raw hide being so dangerous.. i did pick up a bone that crumbles last nite and she likes it ok… i have the nylon bone also i dont think she is to crazy about it... being she cant tear it up...I was told not to use the KONG as a toy but more as a training aide for the crate and when she is crated as a reward.. Maybe i should reconsider this option ?? she really hasnt gone for my shoes or things she isnt supossed to have.. being we usually watch her pretty closely.. and we puppy proofed so far so good... thanks for sharing the raw hide issue.. i need find a replacement for them...
Jazzy won't chew on the rubber dog chews, nylabones, greenies, things like that.
I do give her rawhide sticks, flip chips, etc. and have had no problems.
We also give her bones stuffed with peanut butter.I used to give her cow hooves, but I don't any more. More than once she broke a piece off {usually the "toe" end}, got it caught in her throat, and began vomitting until we could get it out. Those things scare me now.
My larger dog chewed the end off of her large Kong toy and ingested a great deal of that, I am afraid,as there were no little pieces on the floor.
And the vet who addressed our puppy classes last year said that she has frequently had dogs who ingest chunks of the Kongs –she recommended, by the way, that people use the blue Kongs, not red, as the blue show up better on X-rays.I think ALL chewables can be dangerous, so you really just have to go with what your dog will accept, and watch them.
We don't leave her with anything to chew on in her kennel when we leave her at home. -
I think those break apart formed treats are a good choice for young pups. Even the dental bones pose blockage risks.
my own personal opinion is you should reconsider the KONG. you can buy a couple (one for play/chewing) and one for the crate if you want. they come in different sizes & colors. OR in addition to the KONG, I LOVE these toys:
you know what else my dog LOVES to chew on? raw carrot sticks. I peel them, cut off the ends, and let him have the whole stick. As with all treats, supervise the chewing. But a carrot stick here & there helps clean plaque off teeth and satisfies the chewing.
I use my kongs for everything…Crate toy, chew toy, fill with peanut butter toy, and bouncy toy. They can be used for multiple things. It is a good idea to ferquently examine the Kong for bite marks and cracks...if it is cracked replace it...otherwise chunks can come off.
Joey too seems to like toys that he can destroy. At first he did not show much interest in the nylabone, but now gnaws on it sometime during the day. Does anyone have some suggestions for toys that will take more time to destroy which will give him that sense of accomplishment? My sweet boy that had not destroyed anything in the first month we've had him has graduated to join the ranks of "I have destroyed something valuable"! Actually it was not really Joey's fault. My husband somehow didn't get the message that he needs to be crated when no one is paying attention to him. He left the house with Joey free while everyone else slept with doors closed. Joey destroyed my new black suede pumps that I left on the door mat. Since he has never touched a pair of shoes, I didn't think twice about leaving them there and everyone has been good about crating him if they aren't watching him, everyone except my husband. I did not discipline Joey, I disciplined my husband! I am just amazed tho that that is all he destroyed!!! I count myself REALLY fortunate!
we had Kiah which we got when she was 2 yrs old and dhe only chew on one arm of a wood rocker. we were able to catch her doing it and made it clear with a shake of the finger that she was not to do it. and she never did it again. she passed await 1 yr ago. and our daughter keep looking for another basenji for us and found Farrah 6 months ago. we didn't have any trouble with her chewing on things until about 1 month ago and then it started. first daddy's glasses (which he left down where she could get them) then next 1 loveseat arm then a sofa arm and now tonight the other end of the sofa. we have tried the sprays that are to help stop the chewing but that doesn't work
she has lots of toys and chew that she like but for some reason she thinks that the sofa and loveseat need have her teeth marks on them. sorry this is so long new to this. -
I always "brag" that Jazzy hasn't chewed on anything inappropriate since she was about a year old. {She just turned 2 last month}.
Well, yesterday I heard a strange noise coming from our guest bedroom. Jazzy, who NEVER gets on the furniture because she knows it is FORBIDDEN, was on the bed happily tearing apart the pillowcases on both pillows on that bed. GRRRRRRR.
Funny thing, though, she only tore the pillow cases. Both pillows are still in perfect condition. See, she's so good, even when she is naughty she's careful….. knock on wood!
she has lots of toys and chew that she like but for some reason she thinks that the sofa and loveseat need have her teeth marks on them.
I can relate, Farrah's Mom - I think Storm is convinced that gremlins live in my sofa and loveseat and he's doing me a big "favor" by digging/chewing them out. :eek: Life is never dull with these little critters! :)
I can relate, Farrah's Mom - I think Storm is convinced that gremlins live in my sofa and loveseat and he's doing me a big "favor" by digging/chewing them out. :eek: Life is never dull with these little critters! :)
Hahahaha! Gremlins! I have the same bug! Too bad they are in my leg! Chance will try to dig them out of me all the time! :rolleyes:
that they are Gremlins. it seems to be getting worse. i have tried everything to keep her from doing it. but she still slips away and chews on the sofa.
Bindi gently chews on my fingers while we play, sleep, sit on the couch
I figured it was like a baby sucking on their thumb
should I stop her while she's still young as it might be a problem when she's older? or will she grow out of 'sucking my thumb'?I know some people say, don't let them 'bite' even if it's gentle because they might bite harder later in life? I have some toys and I try 'trade ya' and sometimes she just gets so frustrated that she can't chew on what ever she was trying to and 'umph's and rolls over lol
I find her chewing on my bedding most of the time :/ and when she's in bed there's no toys to trade with