Does your basenji prefer their own bed?
Basenjis like to be warm, which I think is one reason they like to sleep with their people. My first had her own bed in my room, rules of the house, as I was still living with my parents at the time, but all subsequent Basenjis have slept with their humans and seem to prefer it whatever the weather.
I have never had a Basenji (three total) that preferred their own bed. Sparkle and Jengo need to be pressed into a tight dog pile right next to me while under the covers. Logan needs to be up next to my head near the pillows, but not covered. Dogs are quirky though and go through phases. He may come back around on his own. I wonder if it might be a seasonal or weather-related thing? You could always try to lure him back into your bed den with snacks!
replied to JENGOSMonkey on last edited by
@jengosmonkey yes we have the heat issue, resulting in Ellie in and out all night, which is reminiscent of waking every 2 hours to feed a newborn! She won't even get in discretely but cries and waits to be personally invited in, by which time we're all awake!
My two sleep with me. They have uninterrupted rest - I don't. We start off with Kito under the duvet against my knees and Mku on top, under one arm. I have long since insisted on having my half in the middle of the bed. After a couple of hours, Mku gets to the bottom of the bed and lies, motionless for the rest of the night, by my feet.
Kito gets out from under, lies for a while quietly, and then paws my shoulder to get me to lift the duvet and allow him back underneath. This happens up to 4 times each night. I feel a thump on my shoulder and half lift that arm so the duvet comes up. Kito slithers under and settles. For a while.
Why do we loves these pests ? -
replied to basenjinewb on last edited by
@basenjinewb - My two girls typically sleep in their crates with the door open. They can come in bed if they want. The only times that they do is if they are not feeling... LOL, dead giveaway that they are not 110%. But in the end it is their choice.
replied to tanza on last edited by
@tanza Agreed! Koda sometimes chooses his dog bed or the crate in the other room. He seems content with his alone time but hates it when we leave him alone. We've taught him to sleep on his own at night since he was 3 months old though... From 8pm to 10pm he was in our bed and then we would take him to his crate for the night. I guess that's why he prefers to chill in his bed now :face_savoring_food:
Kembe always slept in our bed up until these last 2 years of her life. She was a bed and blanket hog - legs stretched out and took over the bed. I put her doggie bed in our room right next to our bed in her latter years - I was afraid of her falling or jumping off the bed and getting hurt.