Obviously a vet who has never met a dog like Nicky. When he had the flu at around 2 years old, our vet at the time wanted to keep him overnight on IV fluids so he wouldn't get dehydrated. They called 2 1/2 hours later to say, "We gave him sub cutaneous fluids, you need to come get him now." Upon pick up we were told when no one was in the room with him he would chew through the IV and then when the put an Elizabethan collar on him he chewed that too. He went through 5 IVs and 2 E collars.
Our current vet who did his neuter last year, had him come in early for bloodwork. They called me an hour ealier than expected to say he was recovering quickly from his anesthesia and I should come and get him now. They told me, he had to spend his entire morning doing charts with the vet because he refused to be in a room by himself and would howl loud enough for the neighbors to be concerned. Once he started waking up the howling started again. My vet feels that dogs do best at home overnight. The owners are home watching them and they are more comfortable and relaxed. This is definately the case with Nicky who has been banned from the boarding kennel and in general is just miserable away from his pack.