Basenji? Mixed with?
Hi there, just wondering if you ever found out what you basenji is crossed with because she's the spitting image of ours (Indy is a rescue from Melbourne). I can't work out how to add a picture!
Also I feel like I can also make our black doors on your dog's skin under the fir, is spotty skin a basenji thing as Indy has it (not a skin condition just the colouring if her skin). Really wish I could upload a pic!
replied to susie.joyce8662 on last edited by
@susie-joyce8662 said in Basenji? Mixed with?:
Also I feel like I can also make our black doors on your dog's skin under the fir, is spotty skin a basenji thing as Indy has it (not a skin condition just the colouring if her skin). Really wish I could upload a pic!
Click on the icon second from the right at the top of the compose screen, choose the file from your computer (not too large) and it should upload.
replied to Akretschmer14 on last edited by