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Brat Rescue and Transport; How they really treat rescues

Basenji Talk
  • @debradownsouth
    “You may want to take your lack of serious rescue workings and get more info before you attack someone so stupidly.

    Yet, I am the one attacking? I don’t know what your problem with BRAT is but evidently you have one.

    “YES, rescues find homes for dogs they cannot adopt, agree to pay for care/food indefinitely. Without you having some telepathic knowledge, a copy of their contract and conversations, you are in no position to attack another member as you have.”

    Correct. So perhaps you should check with me first before attacking me about things you do not know.

    “You went far from acceptable forum discussion of the issues into vile abuse of the poster. With no proof, just your rancid views.”

    Frankly, I could argue this is exactly what you are doing, as others have noted many times. I usually figure you are entitled to your opinion. Rather than attacking you for it.

    “The OP is concerned that the things BRAT is demanding is potentially deadly and certainly far from simple NORMAL treatment. From 3 months to no repeating is fairly extreme and certainly worthy of her concern.”

    The test she is repeating is the wrong test, read above if she hasn’t deleted it. She has twice exceeded the max dosage of two different drugs, by her own admission she knows better than the vet. Yet you don’t see a problem.

    “Her move into an emotional tirade at least is in defence of the dog's health. What, other than getting off on berating a member in pain, are your excuses? Elbrant managed to address issues, albeit harshly at times, without calling the op disgusting, immoral, unethical, etc.”

    I don’t need to make excuses to you or anyone else thank you. I am concerned for the poor dog that should have been fostered as per her responsibility. So that he could find a good forever home. Instead of being over fed and overdosed.

    “Btw, your laughable continued braying about sawdust... they'd have to sue about 20 companies and sites that point out the same thing... cellulose in dog food is often sawdust.”

    I don’t know what is so difficult to understand. She stated “RC satiety is sawdust” the statement is a lie and as such defamation.

    “Do I think, if facts are presented accurately, that BRAT has acted in the best interest of the dog? No. But I also know few rescues who would fund a dog that long term. Many would choose to euthanize and use the money on other dogs. Just hard cold logic.”

    Perhaps you should have done more research, you would know what the facts are. Especially before attacking me for not knowing them.

    “I am not surprised they've washed their hands. I won't be surprised if they euthanize the dog promptly if they don't find a home able to pay his bills to treat him right or willing to go with minimal care. Did her bringing the issue to the forum instead of privately help push them to a final decision? I don't know.”

    BRAT were aware there was a problem before the OP brought this to the forum. Contrary to the OP’s original statement, the objective was clearly to defame BRAT.

    “But I do know waging personal attacks on someone who is seriously in pain and panic helped no one except maybe your ego.”

    Perhaps then your ego feels better now? Freudian slip?

    “Now we have a dog who may end up euthanized or undertreated. That should have been the only focus from the start... how to help the dog”

    I agree, the focus should be the dog! We have a dog that has been over fed, given several overdoses, given the wrong testing and is anxious / nervous. Before you decide to attack me again, contact BRAT and talk to them, contact other people involved in this case. Do some research and find out more about the OP, find out why the OP no longer has a vet for instance.

  • @eeeefarm

    “That should have been the only focus from the start... how to help the dog. 😞

    None of the back and forth accusatory comments have been helpful for the dog. Trying to apportion blame while the house is burning down isn't the smartest course of action. I again suggest it isn't useful to keep taking shots at one another. Why post if you don't have a positive solution to offer? And since none of us have walked in this poster's shoes, it seems pretty harsh to judge her. A bit of empathy might be nice for a change.

    I can only imagine the agony I would be in if I didn't have the means to help my dog and the only alternative was to give him up to an uncertain future.”

    I completely agree. The problem is that people are reading only one side of the story, then making emotional statements based on that. As you say, if the situation was as given (by the one sided statements given), it would be hard to give up a dog purely because of financial reasons. However, there is much more to the story.

    I remember a breeder purchase agreement that had the question “if you were unable to care for the dog due to illness, divorce etc, what would you do with the dog”. I answered unequivocally that I would do what is best for the dog, returning the dog if necessary to the breeder. Feelings should be secondary to the dogs safety and well-being, sorry if that is harsh.

    I believe that nothing said here is going to help, so discussion is pointless as far as helping the dog.

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  • @dagodingo

    Yet, I am the one attacking? I don’t know what your problem with BRAT is but evidently you have one.<<

    Yet, I am the one attacking? I don’t know what your problem with BRAT is but evidently you have one.Your responses were unhinged, unrelated to what was being addressed an truly unworthy of more of a comment than this.

    I was addressing your attack of a member. Period. Whatever her mistakes, you turned it into abusive personal name calling.

    Yes, I have documented issues with Brat. None of which need airing here. None of which have anything to do with this thread other than acknowledging others also have issues, but it doesn't help the dog to address those thing when the dog is and should be the only issue. Your pretense of knowing everything on both sides neither helps nor impresses... nor excuses your personal abuse.

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  • Unless you can prove she lied or defamed BRAT, you are doing the same to her.
    And yes, a moderator to remove your repeated personal attacks that are against forum rules.

  • Heather, when you or any client refuses to follow any professional's advice, they would be irresponsible and total idiots to continue to be listed as your doctor/vet/pharmacists/ dentists, whatever. Period. It is very telling that no vet will treat him if he is in your care. It says you have blown off all of their advice or gained such a reputation they won't risk it. You have managed to put the dog into an unsafe position of having no veterinarian. It doesn't matter if you are right about the meds if you lose the dog and he is euthanized. You are old enough to know it is necessary to convince a professional of your view. My vets have always met me at least halfway even when they disagreed because I went to them with solid research and specialists in the field willing to discuss the case with them. Add to this, BRAT owns the dog, not you. The vets have to answer to the legal owners.

    You locked in on sawdust and one brand. They said you could find an equitable brand. There is no research or medical proof that a dog needs freshly cooked meat.

    Your posts can still be seen by the moderators, and the police can demand copies if this issue escalates to a legal challenge.

    You have yourself and the dog backed into a corner. Adopt him, or offer to hold him while they euthanize him if you are really sure that is their intent. That they are pushing for intervention is a clear sign that you are about to lose any options. The police and animal control can appear at your door and simply take the dog. If you care about this dog, you need to be sure what you need to do to save him. You are not going to find that through venting on this board.

  • @dagodingo Just stop. She didn't say it was ONLY sawdust. And it is you who continue to make all-knowing claims. You have no better insight into Brat's intentions than anyone unless you sit on the board or tap their lines. And that isn't helping the dog for you to keep attacking her personally or defending Brat. It's about the dog. Not you puffing up about how you are reporting her, hope they get the dog, hope she's sued etc. Just focus on the dog.
    I care for basenjis. I don't equate being for or against or totally unconcerned with BRAT to be a test for loving the breed. Again, you want to keep on puffing up your defense of Brat. Focus on the dog.
    As for her posts, I have addressed her posts.. without calling her names or being abusive. Maybe that's why you missed them.

  • @debradownsouth She said it was sawdust, please go ahead and show me that RC satiety is sawdust? Link me to where it states RC satiety is sawdust as the statement says?

    The more you continue to defend the indefensible, the more I lose respect.

    You are equally implying that you know BRATs intentions and the facts here more than I do. It is you “puffing”yourself up and insulting me.

    Damn right I am focusing on the dog, you go right ahead and tell me it’s better to leave the dog where he is with no medical care.

  • @dagodingo said in Brat Rescue and Transport; How they really treat rescues:

    @debradownsouth She said it was sawdust, please go ahead and show me that RC satiety is sawdust? Link me to where it states RC satiety is sawdust as the statement says?

    Go read their ingredients and research. Beyond bored with your obsession.

    The more you continue to defend the indefensible, the more I lose respect.

    No idea what "indefensible" you are accusing me of defending. But I'm pretty sure you know how deeply I care about your level of respect. I do care how you keep going off topic with personal attacks so I'm going to simply stop responding to your broken record.

    You are equally implying that you know BRATs intentions and the facts here more than I do. It is you “puffing”yourself up and insulting me.

    Speaking of lies.... there is one. I said NO ONE knows their intention who isn't on the board or wiretapping. Since I do either, that puts me in the "no one knows their intentions." Surprised you are so frothing you tried to twist that.

    Damn right I am focusing on the dog, you go right ahead and tell me it’s better to leave the dog where he is with no medical care.
    See above. You're making things up. I didn't say that either.

  • @debradownsouth You continue to attack me, and defend someone who admits to abusing a basenji.

    Many times I have seen you do the same to others and stayed out of it, not in future. YOU are the one attacking people on here.

    I replied to the OP and YOU were the one to then accuse me of attacking and interject yourself on your high horse as the arbiter of forum decorum and rules.

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