Here are some pictures of Molly.![0_1498198834168_20170622_112918.jpg](Uploading 100%) ![0_1498198864957_20170622_113835.jpg](Uploading 100%)
Molly is 4 years old, spayed and up to date on her shots and weighs 43 lbs.
She is a wonderful indoor dog who is very responsive and obedient. She loves the outdoors, loves to run and swim and is very prey oriented, . I am posting for my sister who loves Molly very much but is being pressured to give her up. She wants to know that she has a home that will love her lots and give her a happy life.
She currently lives on Manitoulin Island in Ontario, Canada.![0_1498200124064_20170622_113835.jpg](Uploading 100%)