9mos..biting really bad…will not listen..
Thank you "crazy" for all the info. She is spayed. We were tough on her today…no spoiling...ugh. It was hard...she looked so sad....but we have to do it.
You will be rewarded in the long run. :). When I was retraining Elliot to eat meals I had to pick up all his treats and bones and he was not happy. He sniffed around the whole house looking for them and my parents kept trying to sneak him things. Once he started to eat the treats returned! It was worth it to now have a dog that eats his meals.
If the breeder shipped you a sick puppy, they should be called out.
You will find that nothing except positive training works well with , well any dog, but these in particular. These articles may help.
You can contact wonderful Kathy at KDiamondD@aol.com for help. She is wonderful.
Although this is mostly for puppies, you will find her site a wealthy of training lessons for positive training.
http://www.clickerlessons.com/puppybiting.htmI should note btw, that the above poster saying use someone who knows basenjis is a good idea. I had dogs my entire life and imagine my surprise that yelping when bit by a basenji escalated it not stopped. :) Sayblee said "YEAH! A squeaky toy!"
Thank you Debra.
@pat..we got her at 11 1/2 wks
Another good one to read: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/decoding-your-pet/201409/the-truth-about-positive-reinforcement
Just make sure you are reinforcing the thing you want to reinforce! The dog's behaviour will tell you that. Also, things that are reinforcement for some dogs are not for others.
I am amused by one phrase in the article in Debra's last link. "I will go pet and kiss her if she is resting quietly on the couch". If your dog doesn't like hugs and kisses, they can actually be an aversive…...positive punishment.....like when you were a kid and that maiden aunt with bad breath insisted on "up close and personal". :) The dog will tell you that too. (My guy does not appreciate being kissed, but petting is O.K.)
If you are doing something that has been recommended and it isn't working, it's time to rethink and try a different approach. Not every dog responds in the same way to the same methods. I agree with Debra that many pups think someone squealing in response to their nips is wonderful and they respond the same way they do to a squeaky toy!
Hello newbsnjbby, all the responses are great info for you. one thing (more) you can try is hand feeding, or known as Treat & Train. The link to Dr Sofia Yin is here. Just want you needed, MORE reading!!!! but if you don't know what else to do, start over from scratch. Distractions in a group class are hard to work around if the dog is even more distracted than you! At home, every day, have her leashed around your waist during the exercise/training time. 1)this puts you in control so she can't run off 2)her attention is on you 3)she will respect the lead and whomever is feeding her. There are numerous videos of Dr Yin demonstrating the affects of this training. Patience, no yelling, less is more, single word commands/cues all promote your little girl. It will take time, some longer than others. When I rescued Uzie at 18mos he was a wreck as he was very under socialized and slightly neurotic as he would turn in tight counterclockwise circles when nervous (he lived in a small crate for most of his life). It took almost 9months at my place before he would not be frightened of everyone coming over here and to focus on me for more training. (Down for a stay works so much better then at the sit!) Food was his drive for sure!!! http://drsophiayin.com/blog/category/treat-n-train best of luck to you, be patient and remember, it does take time with this breed.
I am amused by one phrase in the article in Debra's last link. "I will go pet and kiss her if she is resting quietly on the couch". If your dog doesn't like hugs and kisses, they can actually be an aversive…...positive punishment.....like when you were a kid and that maiden aunt with bad breath insisted on "up close and personal". :)
I am pretty sure the author assumed that if your dog hated being kissed you would have a working brain cell to know not to do that without having to treat the readers like idiots and say "of course if your dog doesn't like to be kissed, don't do it."
But yes, most dogs respond to the same methods if those methods are positive. You have to customize the particulars. I had a Rottie that was SO food motivated, we could never use food in training as he could not stop drooling over food and focus. Ignoring a dog that wants to be ignored isn't going to serve as useful. I could hold a tennis ball and get one dog to do a dozen commands with the glow of the ball in her eye. My basenjis could not possibly care less about balls. But the same positive training has been proven to work on everything from chickens to dolphins to cats to dogs.
I am pretty sure the author assumed that if your dog hated being kissed you would have a working brain cell to know not to do that without having to treat the readers like idiots and say "of course if your dog doesn't like to be kissed, don't do it."
I am laughing because I have seen many, many instances of people not understanding that their dogs are only tolerating, not enjoying, unloved attentions. What our dogs put up with from us! I remember the look of long suffering in the eyes of my grandparents' German Shepherd when we kids would crawl all over him. Funny, but I knew even then, as a child, that the dog was allowing it because he must, not because he enjoyed it, and yet so often adults will comment on how much the dog loves the child's attention, when it just isn't so.
I am pretty sure the author assumed that if your dog hated being kissed you would have a working brain cell to know not to do that without having to treat the readers like idiots and say "of course if your dog doesn't like to be kissed, don't do it."
But yes, most dogs respond to the same methods if those methods are positive. You have to customize the particulars. I had a Rottie that was SO food motivated, we could never use food in training as he could not stop drooling over food and focus. Ignoring a dog that wants to be ignored isn't going to serve as useful. I could hold a tennis ball and get one dog to do a dozen commands with the glow of the ball in her eye. My basenjis could not possibly care less about balls. But the same positive training has been proven to work on everything from chickens to dolphins to cats to dogs.
very good point made!
Trog chewed on my ankles and wrists for a good nine month despite giving him as much play as I could to wear him out, I finally got him a couple whippet playmates as our 13 and 14 yr old basenji ignored him, that worked to help him grow beyond the chewing stage. Gambit is nearly 4 and still nibbles on the necks of all the other dogs to initiate play, its a gentle nibble with the mouth almost closed, but can be pretty anoying. You just have to continue to work with her and channel her energy elsewhere.
I am laughing because I have seen many, many instances of people not understanding that their dogs are only tolerating, not enjoying, unloved attentions.
Those are idiots who are not going to get it ever, so obviously even saying "unless you dog hates it" wouldn't have helped.. would it? And btw, no joke. It took my years to train the x to STOP hugging the Rottweilers because he stupidly figured if they LET HIM they liked it. Sigh.
Trog chewed on my ankles and wrists for a good nine month despite giving him as much play as I could to wear him out,
Cara is extremely mouthy. She liked to hold my arm or hand in her mouth as she went to sleep, sometimes creepily rubbing her tongue against me. She has always done play biting but she has the softest mouth ever. It is rare for her to ever put enough pressure to make a indention even in her wildest playing. I am okay with that. I had one dog before her, a Rottie, who wanted to hold you. I didn't let on lead, but did while just sitting with her. But I'd look out to see Larry leading her down the road, him holding the leash, her holding his hand in her mouth. I figured her leading him was okay.