Happy Birthday Perry!
Butu too is very good with his stuffed toys (not up to Perry's standard, but months and months…). He also knows their names...
Perry knows the names of his toys, and will retrieve them for me by name…...at least when his dinner is soaking and he has the proper motivation! ;)
happy b-day. Here's to another 10 years!
I live just off a road with loads of Charity shops on. People who get there and find them closed are always leaving bags full of stuff outside. I have always despised the low-lifes I sometimes see going through said bags…stealing from Charity shops! Tonight, I am sorry to say, I have joined their ranks
Well, actually, it was the dog....Butu leapt, and before I could do anything, he was proudly bearing his prize home...it is a stuffed (toy, not taxidermy) otter on a wooden board. He obviously loved it, so he can keep it and I will take it down the Charity Shop tomorrow and pay for it...
Good for Butu! Perry thinks any sort of stuffed toy must be for him. When I bought a couple for my niece's kids, he was sure they must be his. I felt sorry for him…...his eyes got so big when he saw them......but I couldn't give them to him. Had to buy a replacement as a peace offering!
Perry is the only Basenji I have owned who isn't at all destructive. We have become careless. He does not go into waste baskets for tissues, and we can leave pens lying around with impunity. I credit his breeder, as she had him for his first three years and definitely taught him manners!
I was once taking Butu around the ring at a Fun Dog Show when I became aware of the laughter…he had stolen the teddy off a Small Spectator and was walking around with it in his mouth...embarrassing...
Happy Birthday Perry and many more wished, Kaiser is a stuffed toy demolisher. I have replaced his favourite duck which he can play with until he starts to pluck and chew it so let's hope he has it many more years as I just love watching him play and carry toys around, so very cute. Perry is very special keeping his toy that long.
Jolanda and Kaiser
Awesome…. They do have a way of warming into your heart.... The stories you must have...
Awesome… Perry still looks bad-ass. My B is about to turn 3. How old do you think Perry thinks he is...
Cheers -