Congrats! Welcome Kaia. LOVE the playing pics… this one had me literally laughing out loud img6326x.jpg/
Yeah, that is one of my favorites as well. I'm just glad I caught it as it happens so quickly it's always hard to get a good shot when he throws his paws up like that.
She is wonderful– even cuter than her baby pics! I love her markings, and she looks like she has a lot of spunk. I know you'll enjoy her-- and it looks like she and Loki are already having fun.
Lots of spunk! And fearless too. They are having a lot of fun together. She's so funny, wants to know where he is and be with him most of the time. And she will try to stay awake just to keep playing with him. He's growing quite fond of her too, I'm just amazed that they are bonding this well so quickly. I took up the toys when she got home and fully expected not to bring them out for a long while, but they are doing so well sharing that the toy box is already back in it's spot.