Back to the vet again today, now sitting at home with my baby in my lap as she is dozy from the anesthetic. Went in for a tear duct flushing and week ago I was looking in her mouth and found another broken tooth, so another extraction as well. Poor dog. Vet tech said that they could not find the tear ducts in either eyes! They took tissue samples and are sending them out to the lab.
My question is: Is this due to her teeth and being infected and blocking off the tear ducts? I honestly know nothing about why a tear duct would collapse or grow over, or whatever they do. Tissue biopsies will be back sometime next week or early the week after that. They are hoping that they will show that there was some sort of inflammation or infection that closed them off? She does not have tear staining, she just gets clear goop sometimes in the corner of her eyes. Last time when we went to the vet's office they did a swab and a tear test and the results on both of them came back normal.
Why can a tear test (the one where they put the paper in the eye and measure for a certain amount of time) come back normal (the swab was done to see if there was any type of bacteria) and yet she have blocked tear ducts? I must be missing something.
Information would be appreciated!