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Giardia and belly full of worms

Basenji Health Issues & Questions
  • Rockcreekk do you do the proper health testing for your B's before you breed them? DNA testing for Fanconi and eye certification, along with thyroid and the numerous other tests that should be ran before you decide to breed two dogs? This was one of the questions that was asked in this forum. I don't believe a Lifetime Health Guarantee only should be applied to this breed, or any for that matter. I just hope you are a responsible breeder and test appropriately.

  • Why do you think a Lifetime Health Guarantee Should NOT be given to this breed or any Breed?? I do. I feel ANY Breeder should stand behind there dog for at least 10 Years. If you bred the dog and it has a Genetic Defect that doesn't show up till age 5 or when ever why should the Customer Have to pay for that. It should fall back on the Breeder. We Strip test but are going to DNA Test This Year. In 16 Years we have NEVER Had a puppy show up with Fanconi. We keep back 1 to 2 puppies every year so We would know if there is a problem. Plus we stay incontact with our Customers. Yes, to the Naked eye and to the Dumb people out there that judge a book by it cover it looks like we have alot of dogs. But in fact we only have 10 Basenjis, 20 Shiba Inus, 5 English Bull Dogs, 9 Boston Terriers, 15 Westies and 4 Bull Terriers. And 8 of those dogs are our House Dogs. Plus its not just me and my partner taking care of the dogs. We have 3 Full Time Employees and 4 Parttime Employees. We take our Kennel Very Serious and NONE of our Dogs are raised in Cages and If our Vet says our dogs needs something its done. He is the one who set up the Worming and the Shots. Not us.

  • So you are saying that you have 63 dogs and all of them never have lived in a kennel? I did not state that a Lifetime Guarantee does not need to apply to any breed. But in conjuction with that there should also be proper health testing done on ANY breed. And I can't really believe that you are doing the proper health tests with all 63 dogs. Fanconi testing is just the tip of the iceberg on Basenjis. I also asked about Certification for Eyes, because if you do breed responsibly then you know that Basenji's are prone to PPM, PRA and other genetic eye diseases that can be bred awaay from. How can you honestly say that you keep in contact with every owner who picks up a puppy? If 1/3 of your dogs have a litter every year and each say, has around an average of 5 puppies that puts you at having 105 puppies a year. Not including 'accidental' litters. Now lets multiply that by the average vet visit at 80 dollars a dog (and that is on the low end) puts it at around $8400 dollars a year for puppy vet bills only. Plus the $5040 for a year check up for all 63 other dogs. Tell me….how is it NOT possible that you are running a puppy mill??

  • Sounds like a mill to me, clearly the fact that you only strip test when the linkage test has been around and now the direct test Is as stupid as it sounds in writing- and that's just the basic test, not to mention eye, hip, thyroid. That many dogs is ridiculous/ how do properly socialize all these dogs? I doubt you participate in any events or shows with your dogs because they're probably not AKC registered nor would they stand up to the quality of other "quality breeders". Don't even begin to tell me your dgs aren't kenneled because I bet most if not all are unneutered, And with that many dogs and breeds you must always have a dog in heat and have to have a way to keep them away from the populous! If I was the owner I'd have reported you and never contacted you again, what for? For you to tell them more bull****… You're in it for profit.... You produce less than adequate dogs for less than educated people about operations you run. Luckily there are people on this forum to help this person get their puppy on track and pick up the slack for you on your lack of testing. Good for this person to just move on from you and not stay in it... Your posts make you like a fool as do your defenses of the operation you CLEARLY run

  • While a Lifetime Health Guarantee sounds really great, what exactly is it? It is that you will buy the puppy back? Replace that puppy with another that also in 5 to 7 yrs have a health problem? What about the heart break to those that own those pups/dogs? They have an investment of the heart, not just money.

    Is it not easier to do health testing first and then have some assurances that the pups you are placing will not have health issues later in life?

    Strip testing is great when that was all we had, but it only means that on the day that the strip test was done, they were not spilling sugar. Doesn't mean they are not carriers or affected with Fanconi.

  • Thank you to those who have already responded to RockCreekk. When I read his posts last night I was simply so appalled that I couldn't think of what to say that wouldn't cause me to be banned from the Forums….

    RockCreekk, 63 dogs is not what I would say "only" about, even if 8 are neutered and are your "house dogs." That is an incredible number of lives in your hands. And many of the breeds you mentioned have very specific health issues, not only the Basenjis. I also think you need a new vet if he/she is giving "booster" shots at 4 weeks. Boosters for what??? You can't have a booster shot if they haven't gotten the vaccines yet... And at 4 weeks, the pups haven't even been weaned. Obviously, your vet is seriously behind the times if he thinks that baby pups should have 3 combination shots before they are even 8 weeks old.
    And I agree totally with Pat, a Lifetime Health Guarantee sounds wonderful, but in practice isn't. You cannot measure the cost of losing a beloved member of your family, especially if it is something eminently possible to detect before a puppy goes to a home. (Which brings me to another comment - puppies go to homes not "Customers." Customers buy cars, clothing, or groceries, not living, loving animals)

    Okay, will stop, because I seriously doubt that you will hear what we are saying, but I needed to get some of this out.


  • For $700 a puppy, I expect a Fanconi DNA test and eye exam for the puppy and the parents and thyroid testing on the parents. If I noticed anything strange about the movement of the parents I would also want a hip x-ray done. If your dogs go back to a certain kennel in TX, I would also like them to be checked for luxating patellas. If I can do this for my rescues, you can do it for your breeding dogs and pups.

    If anyone owns a B from Rock Creek Kennel, please let me know if the pedigree is in the Basenji Pedigree Database.


  • Hi, Rock Creek Kennel.
    I don't mean to be adversarial, but I'm trying to gather some facts that would help me understand your position. You came on here with "guns blazing" because someone said that one of your puppies was sick? I would hope that you would have identified the owner from their state (Texas), so that you could have contacted them to inquire about the puppy?

    I was curious about your business, so I went to your website and I Googled your name. Several websites state that you are USDA licensed, such as this website:

    "Rock Creek Kennel has been in Business for over 15 years. We breed for Quality not Quanity. We are a USDA and State Licensed Kennel. We take pride in what we do and it shows in our puppies"

    Therefore, I went to the USDA website to look for your license, but I cannot find your name, or any kennel registered in Jefferson County, Kansas. This is a link to the website I searched. Can you please clarify where your license is found?

    I found the following information on a private blog. I do not know who "Tina" is, but she has posted on a blog that "you" are Harold Buzz Powell, who is a registered sex offender from Iowa. If this information is NOT true, you may want to go to that website to protect your name!
    I found this website when I Googled, "Rock Creek Kennels Kansas". Here is the link, and her exact quote.


    MARCH 18, 2011 9:38 PM"

    Lastly, I Googled Harold Buzz Palmer and found the following information, so whether you are Harold Buzz Powell, or he happened to move to your hometown, you may want to know that this person also lives in Meriden, KS.

    As you stated, we should get our facts straight, so I'm trying to understand how your name and reputation is intertwined with this other kennel. It is a free country, and anyone can move anywhere, but when you have public information stating that you are USDA licensed, it would be great to validate the information on their website.

    In the meantime, I hope this young puppy is getting healthy. I found that carrots is a good food to naturally de-worm a dog for some types of worms (discovered this accidentally when my Lola and I shared a 5 lb bag of carrots over one weekend!).

  • I would add that I am unable to find any information via the Kansas state government's business entity search:

    Maybe that's just not the right place to look, since that database "does not register sole proprietorships, d/b/a, assumed name, trade name or fictitious name entities."

    I do notice that this photo, which used to be in Rock Creek kennel's publicly viewable Facebook wall photos, is no longer available:

    I doubt Mr. Guns-a-blazin' cares. Already been through the motions with Shiba people… you can't argue with someone who doesn't see that he has a problem in the first place. Maybe Boston Terrier people are onto him too, that's why he's "selling out" his entire "stock" of that breed.

    I'm sorry he feels that he has no other way to earn a living than by squeezing dry a few dozen dogs.

  • Curly tails, thanks for the link.
    There are 151 listings on that website that contain the word "kennel", but not Rock Creek-the closest name is Rocky Ridge.

    How in the world did you find that picture? It sure looks like the same person as Harold Buzz Palmer.

    I went on the website and found the following information:

    The Animal Facilities Inspection Program:
    The Animal Facilities Inspection Program regulates companion animal facilities required to be licensed under the provisions of the Kansas Pet Animal Act. The Act requires licensing and inspection of all dog and cat breeders who produce, offer or sell three or more litters during the state fiscal year, pounds and shelters, pet shops, research facilities, distributors, out-of-state distributors, boarding facilities, animal rescues and foster homes. Office staff maintains licenses, health papers and correspondence pertaining to the program. Field inspectors inspect licensed facilities and investigate complaints.

    Here is the form that a kennel is supposed to complete. It clearly states you need to have a USDA license to be granted a KS license. They cannot sell more than 2 litters of dogs before getting their license, and any offense is punishable up to $1000 per violation….

    " I understand that I may not sell any animals until I have been granted a license."

    If the original poster would like to file a complaint with the state of KS, here is the website link:

  • @Rockcreekk:

    We take our Kennel Very Serious and NONE of our Dogs are raised in Cages

    Ummm those most definately look like cages to me…... Basenjis, Shibas and Westies.....three of the breeds I have been VERY involved with.....I am really disliking this guy right now....

  • It does not look like those dogs live in the house! If anyone is buying a puppy, please try to go in person to visit the breeder and see the adults and pups or have someone who lives in the state or nearby do it for you. If you buy from someone who is USDA licensed, it is my understanding that the dogs cannot live in the house. The dogs are usually kept in a barn or kennel building and there is usually a whelping building also. Please research the breeder!


  • You can say whatever you want. All you want to do is start a fight. What you say about me doesn't bother me because you don't know me or care to know me so I could careless about you. We do care about our dogs and its not all about the money. We offer a Lifetime Health Genetic Guarantee for all of our puppies. If a puppies has a genetic issue that falls back on us. Guess I could be like most breeders and offer a 1 year. But then you would complain about that too. Also we are not USDA. I have seen that online too and don't know where to go to fix that. We are strictly state. I will NEVER sell to pet stores. Also regarding "Harold Buzz Powell". That is NOT ME. Just because he lives in this town doesn't mean he has ANYTHING to do with this kennel. I'd like to see all you rescues do half the testing you expect breeders to do. If funny you can come on here and complain about people any think you are perfect. You are far from perfect. I never said I was perfect and never will. Yes, we may strip test our Basenjis and that will change this year. We have already order the test and will get all that done. We have always stood behind our puppies. If there is a problem all our customers have to do is call. There is no way to fix a problem if we don't know about it. So you call all bad mouth me all you want. It doesn't bother be. Just get your facts straight. If you want to be civil and talk then I'll talk. Until then I won't. I do not lose any sleep over you.

  • Cut it out!
    Youre a puppy mill

  • Like I said say whatever you want. You want to call me a puppy mill that is your choice. Doesn't bother me at all. Just shows how childish you are. This is why we do not deal with Rescues. You all think you are better than everyone. You really should grow up. You want breeders to jump though all these hoops and do all these tests. Why don't you Rescues have to do it. Oh thats right. Your better than everyone. LOL whatever.

  • The DNA testing has been around since 2007 so you are 5 years late in caring about preventing a devastating disease. The rescue person you have challenged to do testing already does the testing she is saying you should do so she has done better than doing just half of it and way better than the zero you are doing. So you need to get your own facts straight.

  • I'm not a rescue but an informed basenji owner. It's not childish when we're talking about as serious an issue as mass producing living creatures! Go scratch!

  • Ps- "A puppy mill, sometimes known as a puppy farm,[1] is a commercial dog breeding facility that is operated with an emphasis upon profits above animal welfare and is often in substandard conditions regarding the well-being of dogs in their care.[2][3] Similar types of operations exist for other animals commonly kept as pets or used as feed for other animals. The term can be applied to operations involving other animals commercially bred for profit, e.g. "kitty mills."[4] There are an estimated 4,000 puppy mills in the U.S. that produce more than half a million puppies a year.[5] Commercial kennels may be licensed by the United States Department of Agriculture which may inspect the kennels routinely.[6]"

    Its clearly defined and if you don't consider not ACTUALLY doing the health testing as sub standard care, then you're a bigger idiot than I realized. Not to mention its a drop in the bucket when you have to pay out for a dogs health issues when 1) you make a ton selling a lot of dogs and 2) the customers as you call it who buy from you are for the most part uniformed and don't know health issues could be avoided at your faul so they don't seek reimbursement or complain.

  • Lifetime Health Guarantee is sounds great, too bad that genetic concerns like Fanconi can be tested for BEFORE breed and then potential puppy owners never have to worry about it…. Certainly it makes more sense to test first? Same with other genetic concerns with our breed... test first, then breed.... don't fool people with a "Lifetime Health Guarantee", because then their hearts are attached to those that may become sick... be it Fanconi, hips, eye problems... is it not best to test first? Of course that costs...

    And I can say as a breeder that I have never made a dime from any litter that I bred or co-bred for that matter, but we had healthly happy pups that were conformation correct and that serves them for a lifetime. When the few times that I broke even... I was thrilled!

  • I do rescue and all my dogs are Fanconi DNA tested, have CERF eye exams, and thyroid tested through MSU-Michigan State University.

    I commented on a picture that I saw and I stated my opinion. I am interested in a pedigree from your kennel to see who your breeding dogs go back to.


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