I would agree that you should seek a professional to witness the situation in person and give you possible solutions. This is of course once you have ruled out anything medical, especially and Thyroid issues.
this is really of great importance because there may be something that is happening that you and others are missing. Of course a complete vet check is in order. Tell your vet about the behavior issues. Also I'd ask if the vet knows of any behavioral vets. Also, i'd suggest doing lots of obedience with this dog. clicker training is wonderful. also read Control Unleashed (pay close attention to the off-switch game and look at that). And google Overall's Relaxation Protocol. Start doing this yesterday. CU and the RP will help with impulse control. I don't think that is the entire problem with this dog, but it is probably part of the solution. AND I feel confident in suggesting this without even seeing the dog and it should be compatible with anything a good positive behaviorist would give you to do.
In the mean time, I'd contain him when people come over especially if you're not there. Do not think of this as punishment, but rather helping him cope with things that he is not prepared to cope with.