• I'm learning about the behavior of dogs, I hope to study it when we are moved to land so I can start to help dogs with behavior problems (or problems with their humans πŸ™‚ )
    Since a while we are very busy with using calming signs.
    The calming signs that are used by all dogs, thanks to this, we don't have to correct their behavior as much as people often do. (pulling the leash, push them on their back, grap them in the neck etc)
    And to calm them down in some situations.
    It's great for Basenji's, they use so much body talk and become much more secure and easy going when we use their body language to understand them.

    I found a book, that is maybe nice to read when you are interested in this approach: "Calming Signs" from Turid Rugaas.
    It's been written in many languages.

    Some kalming signs we use and see:

    • Turning away with the head
    • Turning your body away
    • Licking the nose
    • "freeze" (male dogs do this often when they are meeting another male dog when they don't want to escalate the situation)
    • Slow movements
    • Wag their tail
    • Play bow (make the bow to invite for a play)
    • Sitting down (sometimes with their back against the situation) (they are doing this after you were mad or having a fight with someone, they try to calm the situation with this)
    • Lay down with your tummy at the floor, to calm a situation or to stop playing when a dog is tired
    • Yawn, this is a much used calming sign!
    • Sniffing the floor (they sometimes do this to calm themselfe in a unusual situation, look around maybe you can spot the unknown situation)

    There are much more kalming signs, but these are much used by our boys.
    Only by observing them at mcuh situations, we see their calming signs.
    To calm other dogs, other people, members of the family or themselfe.
    We can use these signs to confirm.

    For Instance, you want to hug your Basenji so you walk to him and you put your arms around him, he yawns! He is saying WOOW I like you but what are you doing? When you yawn back, you are confirming the calming sign and he will become calm.

    Or, When you have an issue with your husband, wife, mom etc.
    Your sweet dog is going to sit in a corner with his back turned to you, he is not liking the situation and is trying to calm you.
    Please respond by ending screaming/ talking loud. (or when they were bad and you have talked loudly to your dog he may use this sign to calm you and himselfe)

    We can learn so much more from our dogs πŸ™‚

  • I went and saw her at a seminar a few years ago. She is wonderful πŸ™‚

  • @Moth:

    I went and saw her at a seminar a few years ago. She is wonderful πŸ™‚

    Great! I hope she will have some seminars here in Holland!

  • We actually recently had a thread that touched on this. I think calming signals are so very neat to watch. And once you know it, kewl to watch the dogs do them to each other and to YOU. πŸ™‚

  • I have Turid Trugaaz's video but would love to see her in person.

    Your aim to help problem dogs is very commendable.

  • I fully believe that the only way Jet the trying got his open and excellent agility titles were due to Rugaas' Calming Signals. Yes, you CAN yawn at your dog while executing a front cross.

  • I was lucky enough to attend a 2 day class with Turid Rugaas as the instructor.
    Wonderful gal and lots of good info.

  • I love doing what I call "soft eyes" with my animals. It is basically a verrrry slow blink that calms. It has worked with my cats, horses and also Kipawa.

  • @Kipawa:

    I love doing what I call "soft eyes" with my animals. It is basically a verrrry slow blink that calms. It has worked with my cats, horses and also Kipawa.

    Yes! We use it so often here, our oldest cat Spaiky teached us this and 7 years later, we all use it. The basenji boys, the cats, we and even Ryan!

  • That sounds really interesting… Will try to get that book, but I'm a little confused as to how one is able to use that to calm the dogs.. Do you mean .actually yawning back, for example???

  • Go look at your dog. SLOWLY blink your eyes, do a slow yawn, slowly blink again. You'd be amazed how many will respond with a yawn!

  • πŸ™‚ Yes, I mean actually yawning back to the dogs πŸ˜ƒ

    For example, I pick up chaffie and put him on my lap to hug him, I see he is a bit confused (I am his teacher/guardian/alpha give it the name you like) I yawn to him to say "it's okay" and he reply's it.
    You can just say It's okay but yawning will work better in chaffies case πŸ™‚
    (when he yawns first, I reply him πŸ™‚ )

    I got the book from Turid about pulling the leash, last monday and today, buana walked without pulling the leash at places without any other dogs!!!! (and I don't mean in a way he keeps looking at me I hate that, just don't pulled the leash when he was walking with me πŸ™‚ )

    edit: forgot to say, this training is made by turid and is based on the dog friendly approach. (no corrections!)

  • @DebraDownSouth:

    Go look at your dog. SLOWLY blink your eyes, do a slow yawn, slowly blink again. You'd be amazed how many will respond with a yawn!

    Exactly, that a great example!

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