• Thank you both for your support. It has meant a lot to me. The muzzel has been working great, he lets me put it on him after a greenie, his favorite treat. He also gets a greenie after the shot. I am getting very good at the shot now.

  • @Elliebug:

    Thank you both for your support. It has meant a lot to me. The muzzel has been working great, he lets me put it on him after a greenie, his favorite treat. He also gets a greenie after the shot. I am getting very good at the shot now.

    This is really wonderful to hear! You've persevered through what was difficult for you, and now you can give your dog the best possible treatment. I commend you! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • I used to give my diabetic dog's shots in skin pinched up between her shoulder blades, I would clamp her (mid-section) between my knees, both facing the same way, and just pop it in. I did use a muzzle at first, then she got used to it, those areas became a bit numb, and it was just easier for both of us. We did the shot twice a day for several years and she became very accepting. Give a bit of meat as a treat afterwards and he may 'cal it even'. Treats need to be protein or green beans, low glycemic index foods.

    Good for you for learning to give the shots!

  • I'm so glad to hear that it's getting easier for you and Mickey!! That's awesome. Way to go. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Do you know when your vet wants to do a curve to see how he's regulating? Or have they broached the topic of you being able to do any blood sugars at home?

  • I will be taking Mickey in on Monday. I have done it once already a couple weeks ago and they up'd the dose. We have not talked about blood tests at home yet. I will ask about that.

  • I tested Mickey with the Diastix today. It is still reading very dark, 2000mg. Does this ever go to normal with the insulin? If not does it mean that he is not getting enough insulin?

  • Because he's not regulated yet, it's too soon to expect that he won't still have glucose in his urine. Which means you want to be extra observant for signs of a UTI, as bacteria LOVE to grow in a sugary medium.

    Being able to do blood sugars at home is always best, as the readings taken in a vet clinic can sometimes not be the best, with stress sometimes affecting their accuracy. Plus, doing them at home will save you lots of $$ long term. However, much depends on Mickey's acceptance of you getting the blood sample (your vet would teach you how), so that's something that may be a ways down the road yet. For now, it's enough that you've conquered giving the injections!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Thanks Marie. I forgot to ask about me getting the blood samples today. But they said he read at 150. The vet said that was good for just giving one injection a day. I take him back in 3 weeks.

  • Elliebug,
    You are on your way, soon you will look back at this and be surprised it wasn't always so easy. You won't regret what you learn through this process and I am always amazed at what we will do for these wonderful creatures, but then I am just as amazed at their devotion to us. Continued luck with the process and you gain lots of extra credit points up above for this!

  • Well, Mickey has a fear of the muzzel now and I have received a bite. The vet told me to give him half a benedryl to get him dozy before I try to put the muzzel on. It helps, but I feel guilty. We have a trainer coming over Saturday for a consultation to see if she can help me. She is expensive, and I have heard that she uses a shock collar. I'm not sure if she will use the shock collar for this, we shall see. This is so difficult. I hate giving him the meds but I am a bit gun-shy now after the bite. I'm really hoping she can do something for me. This is so crazy, why can't they come up with an easier way.

  • Trainers who use shock collars don't get much respect from me, and I doubt that they'll get much respect from a basenji, either. I hope she has some other, better suggestions for you.
    I am sorry to hear that you have been bitten, and that things are not getting easier. ๐Ÿ˜ž What kind of muzzle are you using? A basket coursing muzzle might be a bit easier to get on, and feels less restrictive to the dog while still keeping you safe.
    Another thought. Are you able to put a sweater on him? This may sound crazy, but I had a client years ago who did this and it worked for her - and her miniature poodle was truly a piranha! This lady took a dog coat and "modified" it by sewing in 2 long wooden rods along the back. That way, when the dog was wearing it, he could not turn around and bite her while she gave the injection over the hips. She even, going even further, sewed big handles on the coat and literally hung the dog over a doorknob while she injected. Sounds crazy, but it worked for her. That dog probably weighed around 15 lbs. Hanging up a basenji might be a little tougher! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  • Collar Cones will also work to prevent the dog from bitting you. Otherwise, I wish I had more helpful input.

  • I am begging you to cancel the appt with the trainer who uses a shock collar. PLEASE find a positive trainer!

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