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Klepto Cat

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  • My Angel Child cat is very ill

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    Oh Fran, I am so sorry to read this. My thoughts, tears and prayers are with you. I know you love Barney dearly, but most importantly he very much knew that made his life what it was, wonderful, loved and caring…now he is running free again, free from pain.
  • Standing Cat

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    Family of CrittersF
    Loved the video! My first bengal cat used to stand like that! Kismets mom
  • Spoiled Cats

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    LOVE the pictures. Yes, we are animal lovers. Our cats are treated royally here. Other than one cat, which I have trained to sit and shake a paw for a treat, they do exactly as they please. Nothing is sacred in our house. The back cushions of our couches have permanent sags in them from continuously being pushed down by a warm, living bundle of fur. It's deadly to wear black in our house. I still haven't figured out how to strap little vacuums onto their paws.
  • Desperate house cat

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    If I was that dog I'd take a bite out the cat's pretty butt when it sleeps…just me... Very funny clip..
  • Cat Declawing Ban Spreads Through Calif.

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    @thunderbird8588: I realy hate to argue and i realy think opinion is so divided that people will have to agree to dissagree. I dont want to cause offence but must say that IMO most cats scratch to communicate there is a problem and they are unhappy. I can pet our cats without fear of being scratched. My neighbours cat however who is in our house more often than not is the type who will lash out and scratch. When stroking her we watch out for the signs. I know some cats are feisty , some scratch, some bite but we cant remove their teeth. As for de barking Dogs (something i have only just become aware of on the forum) why on earth would anyone want to do this. Maybe my views are idealistic but i do believe animals should be left as nature intended if at all possible If your neighbor has a cat that cannot be trusted to be petted w/out scratching or biting, they have a bigger issue than to declaw or not.
  • Cat help needed

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    IM so sorry for your loss … it almost sounds like feline leukemia or feline aids... we had 2 litter mates die from it... And the symtoms you describe sound all to familar ... You might contact your vet and ask questions... If you have other cats, this is a highly contagious desease.