Medicam or Adequan?
You want to make sure the blood profile includes kidney and liver values. Most basic profiles will do those.
I personally feel if the dog is just getting arthritis, jumping into drugs… not so dog friendly.
I have had SUPERB luck with something as cheap and safe as Bromelain. It acts as a natural NSAID and, btw, I take it myself.
Adequan.. lol I am one of the first people that had a vet use it off label for dogs. Back over 15 yrs ago it was only for horses, but I had a dog with CHD. The vet gave me the medications and had me do massive (about 3 x the number of shots and double the current dosage) injections for my Rottweiler. Later we used it with very good results on my old rescue pony. Adequan basically helps the synovial fluid which helps buffer joints from rubbing. It helps some but not all arthritis. I suggest you give it a try... fairly safe and with long lasting results.
I looked up Bromelain
Bromelain has resulted in allergic reactions and asthma symptoms, including breathing problems, tightness in the throat, skin hives, rash or itchy skin. People with allergies to pineapples should avoid bromelain. Allergic reactions may also occur in people with allergies to latex, carrot, celery, fennel, rye, wheat, papain, bee venom or grass, birch or cypress pollens.
Our dog has a wheat & grass allergy so am hesitant about it. Thanks for all the responses.At first we tried Cosequin that the vet recommended, but did not notice any improvement. Thats when we went on to Medicam.
I second the additional supplements of glucosamine
My rottie was allergic to wheat, never had an issue with bromelain. I am allergic to every grass pollen etc, have no issues (I also have asthma). It was a miracle for my rottie who hurt a disk throwing (I kid you not) wheat straw bales. I looked out in back yard and she looked like she was practicing for some ancient highland event. Chiropractor, meds… it was awful (she held up front leg and cried due to the disk in her neck). Bromelain kept her stable and back to her playful self. Run out? She got ouchy. I am sure by that point more arthritis, but it helped. So you might want to try it to see if any reaction, or go with other nondrug options.
I was looking at Petsmart & see that bromeliad is not sold on its own that I saw only combined with other substances.
Any recommendations on a brand?
I order mine off amazon, no joke. Cheaper than our local stores and health stores. -
Thanks, can't beat that deal.
I use a magnetic collar on mine if they develop arthritis. I fine they work brilliantly - I've even used one on a sheep who couldn't get up on to her legs because of the pain - she lived on for several pain free years.
I also second using Bromelain or Glucosamine supplement.
Acupuncture. The elderly JRT I used to care for had acupuncture treatments for arthritis in his hips and it helped him immensely.
I can confirm this…. for Basenjis