I have an email in for the breeder, but since they are 7 hours ahead of us I am not anticipating hearing anything until tomorrow, but Your idea of having her get a local brand I can alos get here would be teh best option…yes sending food there is a very expensive proposition, just sending the sherpa bag was a mere $50.00..thank goodness I got the bag on sale for only $30..so it still worked out nicely.
Just saw some video of him earlier today and he is growing nicely, they just had their first meal of solid food..no more bottles every three or so hours..must be so hard when the mommy dies while the puppies are so young.
Yes, Petra… I am sure it is really difficult to bottle feed every 3 to 5 hours... thank goodness that at least they were, what 10 days old when it happened? At least they had some time with Mom.... and the critical time when they were so small...
Hope that you both can agree on a food that works for both of you, but in the end, baby puppies adapt pretty well to good quality food. Even if you can't find the same brand, look for one with the same things in it and most important in the same order listed on the package... then it should not matter as much when you are trying to change....