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I need help naming my new basenji pup!!

Basenji Puppy Pen
  • @dcmclcm4:

    Any B can be entered in the database. If your B was not officially registered but you have the paperwork, just name her and give all the information to Sally Wallis. I use Jen's and then usually the call name and then Surprise. I use Surprise because I never knew which Bs I would be bringing home.

    Thank you for the advice. :) Ill have to contact Sally anyways and get her in there!


    I rescued a mom and some of her pups from SD. She was non-AKC registered-APRI and her pups had APRI puppy papers. Her official registered name was Bambi J. She responded to Bambi so I kept it and she is in the database as Jen's Bambi Surprise. Her offspring are Jen's Bowie Surprise, Jen's Brodie Surpise and Jen's Brassy Surprise in the database. All of their APRI registration numbers are in the database. Jennifer

    Ya she is actually APRI. :) her reg name is Missy Kalahari Singa. lol Her mom and dads names. well one of each haha. So how do you change her name from the papers to the database? Dont you have to have whats on the papers? just curious i didnt know you could do that. interesting to know :) And thats cute :) nice naming

  • APRI is not a legit registery. It was stated by Puppymillers and BYB's so that they did not have to conform with AKC breeding requirements.

  • I agree with you. i got her from a friend tho, after he bought her. I fell in love with her and she is just a house pet. We dont breed her. I look for AKC when looking for something more. But i know, and agree. Missy is just a house pet and will always stay that way

    Oh, and she is Spayed now!

  • Thank you for realizing we all want any b's you breed to be AKC and supportive of the breed standard.
    Thank you!

  • @sharronhurlbut:

    Thank you for realizing we all want any b's you breed to be AKC and supportive of the breed standard.
    Thank you!

    Oh of course! There is no "real" registry other than the one and the only, AKC! :) i wouldnt use any other one!

  • Your Missy is in the database under her APRI registered name, although Singa is misspelled as Shenga. She is a half sister to my Bambi who I wrote about above. They have the same sire. Also, Bambi was bred to the one of the offspring of Missy, Benji Boy J. I am fairly certain that Benji Boy J was for sale along with the rest of the Bs.

    Did you breed Missy? The pedigree of the sire, Spencer Congo is missing. Both sire and dam are listed as unknown. Would you happen to have his pedigree? There are no other offspring listed either.

    Do you know of any eye problems in any related dogs? Bambi has a cataract that is presumed to be juvenile according to the opthalmologist. Thankfully no surgery is needed. One offspring has PPM and other eye problems.

    How about esophagus/digestive problems? The same offspring with the PPM has an esophagus motility issue along with digestive problems.

    Probably many of the related dogs are still in the SD/MN/IA/NE region. Although I believe the Decker dogs were rescued. The remaining dogs sold in SD went to a commercial breeder in NE. Kuehne lived in MN and from what I have researched is that he used APRI registry for his dogs.


  • @dcmclcm4:

    Your Missy is in the database under her APRI registered name, although Singa is misspelled as Shenga. She is a half sister to my Bambi who I wrote about above. They have the same sire. Also, Bambi was bred to the one of the offspring of Missy, Benji Boy J. I am fairly certain that Benji Boy J was for sale along with the rest of the Bs.

    Yes i know it is spelled wrong, I told Sally and she said shell fix it as soon as she can. Ok i dont know about the half sisters. And about the APRI thing, she was meant just as a companion and we didnt actually intend on breeding her. I wouldnt breed again if it wasnt AKC and I didnt the background of the dogs.I dont know ANYTHING about Missys past. I got her from a friend and as a pet. We never did any testing on her (as this was ALONG time ago and i honestly didnt know there were tests that needed to be done. I admit i was stupid, but I was 11-12. All I wanted was a puppy to keep. Yes Benji boy WAS or sale, We sold the whole litter, except for the puppy we kept.


    Did you breed Missy? The pedigree of the sire, Spencer Congo is missing. Both sire and dam are listed as unknown. Would you happen to have his pedigree? There are no other offspring listed either.

    Yes we did. on time, i dont know how old she was. I guess according to the paperwork, she would have been 2. I dont know anything about the stud. he was just a local dog that I happen to find. I was shocked to find another Basenji in town, let alone an unneutered Basneji! So we asked his owners and we bred her. Then i guess the owners werent very smart because the following winter he died. I guess his owner said he froze to death!!:mad: :(
    It made me very sad that they would let their dog die but I couldnt do anything about his death. Its so sad but it happens in the world as much as all of us would wish otherwise :(


    Do you know of any eye problems in any related dogs? Bambi has a cataract that is presumed to be juvenile according to the opthalmologist. Thankfully no surgery is needed. One offspring has PPM and other eye problems.

    I do not know of any with missy. She seems pretty healthy and happy. She is almost 11 and is very healthy for her age. You can sometimes see the age in her but mostly she acts like a 3 year old! lol In offspring, do you mean like Benji boy or Bambi's other puppies?


    How about esophagus/digestive problems? The same offspring with the PPM has an esophagus motility issue along with digestive problems.

    I dont know of any digestive problems. Thats so sad :( Is it ok?


    Probably many of the related dogs are still in the SD/MN/IA/NE region. Although I believe the Decker dogs were rescued. The remaining dogs sold in SD went to a commercial breeder in NE. Kuehne lived in MN and from what I have researched is that he used APRI registry for his dogs.

    I would love to find them. I dont know how i would go about doing so tho. Oh they did?! Where is this breeder in NE? What is the "decker dogs" and the "hofer dogs" I dont understand this. Ya im not sure. We just sold our puppies to families. Honestly if i could have gone back and done it right i would do it in a heart beat. but i am interested in knowing where the dogs are now. Is there a way you could send me a picture of Benji Boy J? I would REALLY love nothing more than to see what he turned out to be.

    Well I hope to hear from you again. if you would like to post off forums id love to speak with you some more. email Thanks! talk to ya soon

    I am just being as honest as i can be so please, this is in regards to everyone, dont insult or bash me because of what happened in the past.

  • Miss Podhradsky, we all learn…and when we know better, we DO better.
    You can't beat yourself up for the past, but you can make sure your "ducks are in a row" if you decide to breed in the future.
    You do sound like a very kind person. I hope everyone here understands that...

  • @sharronhurlbut:

    Miss Podhradsky, we all learn…and when we know better, we DO better.
    You can't beat yourself up for the past, but you can make sure your "ducks are in a row" if you decide to breed in the future.
    You do sound like a very kind person. I hope everyone here understands that...

    Yes its true, we learn as we grow. You can bet ur bottom if i do breed my ducks will be straight as arrows in a well formed line ;) hehe

    Thank you very much. Its very nice that you can see that. I appreciate it. You seem like a wonderful person too

  • Benji Boy J along with 9 other Bs were sold at an auction on March 11, 2007 at Miller Livestock Auction Barn in Miller, SD. The seller was Sandra Bremer of Sandy's Puppy Palace of Highmore, SD. She was a breeder/dealer supposedly getting out of the business because it was a Kennel Dispersal Auction of approximately 100 dogs. I could not take many notes like I usually do because there was no room in this place and the people there knew I was an outsider. It was wall to wall people because this was the first and so far the only time a dog auction was held in SD. Usually the registration numbers are in the catalog but they were not. I was able to obtain sire and dams for all the Bs though but did not have enough time to write down registration numbers which I am sure all the dogs were APRI. The adult breeding Bs were all older with DOB's from Dec 1999-December 2002. The females came from Daniel Kuehne, a USDA licensed breeder of Reading, MN. Perhaps Benji Boy J was owned by Kuehne also. In February 2008 he had 200 dogs living in the barn kennel building.

    I drove from OH to try to rescue the mom and her pups and I was able to get only 3 pups though as I did not have enough cash on hand for the fourth. I had to pay sales tax on the dogs which I never had to do before in other states. The brindles were pricier than the other colors and Bambi, the mom was brindle and so was the only female pup. Also, having the blue eye (PPM) caused the bidding to go higher for the male pup!

    Benji Boy J's chip number is 025-121-299 and he was sold for $100. I am certain all the remaining Bs went to a man from NE, in the northern part of the state. I did hear that the person who bought them were rough with them when trying to get them in the vehicle. It was definitely not me!

    Sandra Bremer did have her USDA "B" license cancelled in 2008 but obtained a new license in 2009.

    A rescuer from SD was able to look at the dogs before the auction and my understanding was that the dogs were kept in a barn and the conditions were not too good.


  • @dcmclcm4:

    Benji Boy J along with 9 other Bs were sold at an auction on March 11, 2007 at Miller Livestock Auction Barn in Miller, SD. The seller was Sandra Bremer of Sandy's Puppy Palace of Highmore, SD. She was a breeder/dealer supposedly getting out of the business because it was a Kennel Dispersal Auction of approximately 100 dogs. I could not take many notes like I usually do because there was no room in this place and the people there knew I was an outsider. It was wall to wall people because this was the first and so far the only time a dog auction was held in SD. Usually the registration numbers are in the catalog but they were not. I was able to obtain sire and dams for all the Bs though but did not have enough time to write down registration numbers which I am sure all the dogs were APRI. The adult breeding Bs were all older with DOB's from Dec 1999-December 2002. The females came from Daniel Kuehne, a USDA licensed breeder of Reading, MN. Perhaps Benji Boy J was owned by Kuehne also. In February 2008 he had 200 dogs living in the barn kennel building.

    Oh my gosh this is aweful! well i am the breeder of Benji if he is missy's puppy, born on nov 3 2002, red and white male, father spencer congo. Missy has only been bred once and i had her her whole life (beside before she was a year but my friend got her as a puppy and i know he never bred her) So that is a lie (not you, but her saying that) That is sad tho. I bet there would be alot of people since SD is a small place to get dogs like this (tho its not a reason to cram into an auction for first bid) and DO you know the sire and dam of Benji boy J is infact "Missy Kalahari Singa and Spencer Congo"? because i bred a male dog named Spencer to missy, whos reg name is Missy Kalahari Singa, so i am undoubtedly certain Benji is her puppy and i would be the breeder (only being 11 it wasnt done well i admit) That is SOOO sad tho. How can people possibly take care of 200 dogs…simply put they cant. :( poor dogs. Thank you for this, its very interesting to know. I wonder if the other puppies from the litter were in that too? Did you happen to see if any other ones belonged to the breeding pair?


    I drove from OH to try to rescue the mom and her pups and I was able to get only 3 pups though as I did not have enough cash on hand for the fourth. I had to pay sales tax on the dogs which I never had to do before in other states. The brindles were pricier than the other colors and Bambi, the mom was brindle and so was the only female pup. Also, having the blue eye (PPM) caused the bidding to go higher for the male pup!

    That is too bad :( I hate that people can be so greedy with a dogs life :( At least you were able to rescue 3 of them.


    Benji Boy J's chip number is 025-121-299 and he was sold for $100. I am certain all the remaining Bs went to a man from NE, in the northern part of the state. I did hear that the person who bought them were rough with them when trying to get them in the vehicle. It was definitely not me!

    I never microchipped him so he had to have been done after he was adopted from us. 100? That is just ridiculous. Poor Benji. UHG!!! I am soo mad at myself for having a litter. All this time i thought they were in good homes, and now to hear this just breaks my heart :'( it makes me so sad. Im glad someone like you ended up with him tho, at least he can live out his years to pass along happy. That is horrible! Do you have the name of the man in NE?


    Sandra Bremer did have her USDA "B" license cancelled in 2008 but obtained a new license in 2009.

    That is sad.


    A rescuer from SD was able to look at the dogs before the auction and my understanding was that the dogs were kept in a barn and the conditions were not too good.

    :( That is really too bad. I know now that if i do ever breed in the future it will NEVER happen like this again. Ill be sure to care for them properly and keep in contact with the owners. :( UGGGHHH! this frustrates me soo much. I cant imagine where the other puppies ended up :( :( :( hmm sigh

    Thank you for this information. I truely appreciate it. if you ever hear from another puppy/puppies from that breeding PLEASE let me know. Id like to know they are all ok, or at least find out what happened to them and where they ended up. I am happy Benji boy is ok now and in a safe home. I sincerely thank you for saving his life. I just hope/wish the rest of them were that lucky. :(

  • I apologize but I did not rescue Benji Boy J. I am certain he went to NE with the rest of the female Bs as he was the only adult breeding male. I only rescued Bambi and three of her pups. I do not have the name of the man who bought the Bs. You may want to contact Sandra Bremer who sold the Bs at the auction to find out who bought them and/or to find out where she obtained Benji Boy J. Let her know that you are the breeder of Benji Boy J.


  • I am sorry, I'd be selling my stuff, tracking down my pups and buying them back. Everyone makes mistakes, but I think you have to fix what you can. I realize you were very young, but I'd have trouble sleeping thinking of a puppy I put here being in a bad situation. :(

  • Oh No! I thought you had him!! Sorry i guessed i just assumed. Do you have any idea where I can find the number to her? I would like to find them. Maybe she can tell me where the others ones ended up. Thank you for the info.

    And debradownsouth, Ever since i found out about the situation i HAVE been trying. Its alot harder to track them down then you think when you have NO IDEA where or who has them. AND not a bit of paperwork on them ( Sadly :( )

    but i am trying. and that is why i put this post on here (well i did another one named something like does anyone have any information on my basenjis) something like that. anyways i did it on here so i could get more info and I also have been looking around on the internet and stuff. I want to save the dogs i have produced. So if i find them, i am surely going to save them! :( I hope I can find my puppies (even if they are 8 yrs old now)

  • Even if she got them all back, she will never be able to fix it because it is not just them anymore. How many Missy grandpuppies are in petstores and rescue because of Benji Boy J? How many others may be there through her other offspring?

    She should take responsibility for the dogs she produced but she will not be able to "fix it".

  • UUHHHGG!! :( i feel like such a horrible person. My poor puppies :( I hope the other puppies went into good homes. I contacted that women on fb about benji. im going to try to rescue him and neuter him so i dont have to worry about him anymore anyways.

    :-( poor dogs. uhg! im sooo mad at myself!!:mad:

  • Miss P, do be mad at yourself, but do it in a way that will allow you to grow and realize how serious breeding is. Those puppies are probably long gone - and we hope things turned out well for them. Spend your energy now taking a good long look at how you want to proceed with the information and training you will need to be a breeder that provides only enough healthy pups that she can place into the proper homes. Then you will never have to go through the pain you are feeling now again.

  • @Kipawa:

    Miss P, do be mad at yourself, but do it in a way that will allow you to grow and realize how serious breeding is. Those puppies are probably long gone - and we hope things turned out well for them. Spend your energy now taking a good long look at how you want to proceed with the information and training you will need to be a breeder that provides only enough healthy pups that she can place into the proper homes. Then you will never have to go through the pain you are feeling now again.

    I know I cant be mad at myself but I am. I should have known better, even if i didnt. I wish I had researched ALOT more (like i have in the last 7 years) about breeding instead of just jumping into it. I was just so excited to get to keep a puppy from the litter that I forgot what was important in breeding. The puppies. but ya, after I heard about the puppies, i took a long "thinking period" and i decided that IF i ever breed again, im going to do it responsibly. I always planned on spay and neutering but now ill have all the contracts and paperwork necessary for the safety of my puppies. I have the spay and neuter for my rescue and the spay and neuter contracts too, but I started that only in 2008. but for the basenjis, Ill offer money back for a successful spay and neuter, i'll have Spay and Neuter Contracts, Adoption Contracts, A Bill of Sales, and if necessary, a Transportation Agreement. Ill have the genetics tested and all other tests needed. Ill get them microchipped so I can feel al little better that if they end up in the shelter, I dont have to worry. I have a question. Would it be bad to just microchip them and not tell the owner and then if they ever ended up in a shelter the company would contact me?–I want to know if that would be absolutely horrible. Has anyone ever done that? Or maybe tell the owner but just not transfer the chip? OR is it possible that IF they transfer the chip, I require myself to be a key contact so that if they cant get ahold of the owner, they can get ahold of me? Just curious and trying to get more options. feel helpless that I have no idea where my babies went...

    I will make sure the puppies new owners are screened properly and i wont sell them for so cheap next time. Ill have a screening process (which reminds me, does anyone have an idea of how to do a good screening process. What questions to ask, things to do, etc.) Like i said, i wont be breeding anytime soon. I want to learn even more about this now. I made a huge mistake and i feel horrible about it but I am going to make sure I dont do that again and if i ever breed again, that Ill be sure to do it right.

    If anyone has any ideas on what I can do. How to do things right/better if i do ever decide to breed and any other paperwork I need/everything else id love to hear it. :)

    Thanks for all the comments and help.

  • @lvoss:

    Even if she got them all back, she will never be able to fix it because it is not just them anymore. How many Missy grandpuppies are in petstores and rescue because of Benji Boy J? How many others may be there through her other offspring?

    She should take responsibility for the dogs she produced but she will not be able to "fix it".

    You are right. But I hope she helps by spreading the word, but telling others what happened because of breeding. Perhaps even use this to inspire herself to get into rescue help instead of breeding, or make sure she spends a few years learning pedigrees and genetics and health and learns to do it utterly right should she breed again.

    Missy, I also know how hard it is to track a dog. I had one who was neutered so not issue of puppies… but husband and wife getting divorce and I offered to find the dog a home if it was a problem. He moved, she gave dog away and refused to say where. He was a police officer and couldn't find the dog, not a happy situation. I just hope he was put in a good home. She hated him, not the dog, so I hope just taking him soothed her spite. It has been 13 years and I still wonder if he died of old age (Rottie) in the arms of someone who loved him.

    As for chips, you need to tell them because it's a bad way to start lying. They may also go to have a chip and then the dog have 2. Register the chips to yourself and the owner both but with YOU the only one who can change it. They then have to contact you to get their address changed on the info. I have found most the time routine calls to chat and check on pups builds a relationship where they know you are fine and won't beat up if you have to take a dog back.

  • I was absolutely horrified to read this post. Are dogs often sold at livestock auctions? In this country we have auctions for trained sheep dogs which usually fetch hundreds and hundreds of pounds (sometimes into the thousands)because a well trained dog is invaluable to a sheep farmer. However I've not heard of other breeds being sold in such a way.

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