How Do YOU pronounce Maya?
wrote on 11 Aug 2010, 16:27 last edited by
for me, it is my-a
wrote on 11 Aug 2010, 16:38 last edited by
My-a here too, we have several dogs running in this area, borzois and wolf hounds with this name and pronunciation.
wrote on 11 Aug 2010, 17:12 last edited by
May-a, but then I am a Essex girl lol !!!!
wrote on 11 Aug 2010, 17:43 last edited by
May-a here.
wrote on 11 Aug 2010, 19:12 last edited by
I read it as My Ya.
wrote on 11 Aug 2010, 19:35 last edited by
I read it as My-a, but my in-laws have a dog named 'Miya', which I pronounce me-ya and they pronounce my-a.
Now I'm curious how YOU pronounce it… =) -
wrote on 11 Aug 2010, 20:07 last edited by
I always thought it was pronounced 'my-a'. This is the way I pronounce Maya as in Mayan indians. Talking of pronounciation many of mine have, and have had Efe pygmy names and so many people have problems pronouncing them. For instance Gbala and Meligi. We once adopted a bitch who was called Ahmerillaa and nobody but us could pronounce that!!! (She would never respond to a shortened form!).
Incidentally I also pronounce Malaika as Me-ly-ka - Shelley hasn't corrected me but may be she's just being polite!!!??
There are many names on this forum that I pronounce in my own way and I'm sure its wrong!
wrote on 11 Aug 2010, 20:22 last edited by
May-a.. :D
wrote on 11 Aug 2010, 20:42 last edited by
I say My-a….and Ma-like-a :)
wrote on 11 Aug 2010, 21:00 last edited by
I say My-a, but i did think it was May-a initialy.
Helena, Malaika's name is pronounces Ma-like-a, i didn't notice you had pronounced it wrong anyway ;) -
wrote on 11 Aug 2010, 21:20 last edited by
I always thought malaika was ma-lay-ka lol. Oops!
I pronouce Maya as My-a, but the majority of people call her May-a and the rest call her me-a :D Im always having to correct folk!
wrote on 11 Aug 2010, 21:26 last edited by
I always thought malaika was ma-lay-ka lol. Oops!
I pronouce Maya as My-a, but the majority of people call her May-a and the rest call her me-a :D Im always having to correct folk!
I'm sorry Jess but I'm fixated on May-a and cannot change. :D
wrote on 12 Aug 2010, 10:49 last edited by
I'll try and remember Jess :)
wrote on 13 Aug 2010, 15:28 last edited by
I pronounce it My-a - here in sunny Florida I live on Mayan Drive - pronounced My-an, so it just came natch.
wrote on 13 Aug 2010, 16:11 last edited by
I always thought malaika was ma-lay-ka lol. Oops!
I pronouce Maya as My-a, but the majority of people call her May-a and the rest call her me-a :D Im always having to correct folk!
LOL being that my name is "Maya," I pronounce it My-a. The best is when people try and spell it. OMG that is hilarious, especially when I lived in Germany for 5 years. I would go to Starbucks and you know how they ask for your name to put it on the cup–I had so many different spellings I should have wrote them all down and made a book. It wasn't just at Starbucks either though, it was all over in the country at different places/restaurants/bars etc. Then to top it off there are still family members that cannot spell it correctly.
You would think after 29 years they would get it right.
wrote on 14 Aug 2010, 06:42 last edited by
Well, I always thought it was My-a, like the South American tribe. I sometime make the mistake of calling my current fella by my previous fella's name. O.K. it's frequent enough that he sometimes comes to it. Can't blame him, really, I will answer to a name that is not mine, nor close to it, because most folks can't remember what my name is, they just remember that it's, I don't know, Scandanavian, Germanic. I've been called 'Gretchen' my enire life, and I answer to it, in most company, because I know they mean me. That's not my name. I'm sure Arleigh feels the same way sometimes. Poor fella!