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What do you think of this !

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  • Many counties in the US have leash laws that stipulate that the leash length must be no longer than 6-8 feet in length depending on the county. Flexi leashes cause all sorts of issues, not just the issue of owners not scooping poop. There is also the issue of whether the person truly has the dog under control and can adequately prevent incidents like that overly enthusiastic greeting of strangers, a potential dog fight, etc.

  • Hee hee. I heard this on Chris Evans show this morning. What will they think of next? incidentaly, if your interested, this weeks sporting challenge is dog agility. Should be a laugh with Chris Evans.

    The councils should make children wear reigns no longer than 6ft long! :D

  • I wonder if there was a Dog unleashed in a Park and a Dog on a long leash, who would be fined?
    I always pick up after Malaika and i think it's correct that laws are in place to ensure this happens. However what makes me see Red is the things dirty humans leave around putting us all in danger, such as used syringes, Tampons, condoms, cigerette buts as well as general litter. All these things apart from syringes i have seen in our local nature reserve. The only notices up are to remind Dog owners they can be fined for not cleaning up after their Dog.

  • ….......

  • This happens regularly in Mississauga, Ontario….City by-law officers will hang out just outside the leash free park and ding offenders who have their dogs off leash outside of the leash free zone. One gentleman, was fined $3000 for having 3 Goldens off leash, just a few feet away from the main gate of the dog park. :eek:

    It would be grand if they would monitor my neighbourhood as well as they did at the park, seeing as regardless of how long the leash is on some dogs, some owners don't even bother cleaning up after their pets. And, it only gets worse during the winter as some think that the snow will concele what evidence was left behind, only for it to poop it's rear head in the Spring...just plain horrible.

    LOL...sometime reading posts like this and other stories like DNA testing poop aren't as wild and wacky as they seem! :D

    Dogs should be on-leash and flexi-leashes should have a marker on the tether to caution owners when their dog is possibly breaking any by-laws.

  • So let me get this straight…dogs need to be able to run and jog a little bit to exercise properly....but you are required to keep them leashed, which is reasonable. Only now, they won't be able to because the leash is only 6 2/3 feet long....and we'll start getting in trouble with SPCA for not caring for them properly because they are either getting fat or escaping so they can run for a bit.

    Danged if you do, danged if you don't. I say, leave us alone and if it's that big of a deal, write the owners for noxious littering after they walk away from their dog's leavings. Fine that person a Grand for the heinous crime of leaving some dog poo on the grass. Forget about the drug dealers, prostitutes and thieves out there. Dog poo is important stuff.

  • I think the fact that they put the slant on it that it is to prevent unscooped poop 1is ridiculous. Personally, I am not against a 6 - 8 foot leash law. My dogs have been attacked by dogs on Flexis and idiot owners who can not control their dogs and the fact that a there is a maximum length defined in the law means that when their dogs attack mine, I have a better chance of recooping my vet bills through small claims.

    I think it is ridiculous to sit and ticket people outside a dog park but would like to see people ticketed who are allowing their dogs to terrorize neighborhoods. I also think it is important in the city plan to have areas where people can take their dogs to exercise either on a long line or off leash but by having them as designated areas, those of us who choose to walk our dogs on a 6 foot leash should not have to worry about our dogs being harrassed by those dogs that are "just being friendly".

  • @AJs:

    Forget about the drug dealers, prostitutes and thieves out there. Dog poo is important stuff.

    It is that! It can tell an owner so much about the health of their animal. I would much prefer slapping a big fine on the people who flick cigarette butts onto the ground. What an assinine action. During this time of year that can start major fires.

  • I am all for dog to be leashed and walked. But I also work for the post office. We had a carrier bitten in the butt..sounds funny, but the german shepard bit her several times on both cheeks and she had open wounds and severe blood clots.
    She was off work for a long while, couldn't sit, had to lay on her stomach..and it was pretty awful for her.
    So, when postal carrier over react to dogs, its for a reason. I don't get out when a dog is out and loose.

  • Keepers, owners, what have you, it is all about the humans involved. I have a "long" flexi - 20 ft.- that I use when walking in the park that my property abuts to, and I always pick up after my friend. In my jurisdiction I am completely legal but I have to deal with the fools thinking that a city park is the right place to (illegally) ride their dirt bikes. Pay no attention to the fact that they occasionally come into my yard and leave tracks. But I can be fined for not picking up after my friend? Sometimes I think we (humans) are idiots.

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