Suspected Rescue Scammer Chicago Area
I received this email earlier. Apparently, Tedi Spicer has been scamming people for donations and further scamming shelters by committing to housing dogs on the "euth" line, dumping them off on other people and not forwarding funds to the fosters. When fosters are not available, it is alleged she will not actually take the animals into her own home, but will make them stay in the van instead. Det. May of Glendale Heights Police Dept is looking for anyone who may have been scammed by Ms. Spicer or has any knowledge of her activities. Be careful out there.
Here's the forwarded email:
I have an active investigation into Tedi Spicer. I served a search warrant at her residence today, and seized all of the animals there. Please contact me, and spread the word, that I need anyone who has SPECIFIC information on bogus donations, the source of any of her animals, etc., to please contact me also.
As of this date the dogs are at Du Page County Animal Control being housed and treated. A State's Attorney here in Du Page County will file an affidavit to seize all the animals. The best advise I can give everyone who is trying to retrieve animals from this case is to contact that State's Attorney, Francis Cermak at (630)407-8209, and let him know you have an ownership interest in one of the animals seized. They will have to be dispositioned in court now, due to the criminal case against Tedi, and the seizure.
Detective Charles J. May #354
Glendale Heights Police Department
300 Civic Center Plaza
Glendale Heights IL 60139
OFFICE (630)909-5457
FAX (630)668-2993
cmay@glendaleheight -
How horrible..I sure hope they get her and get her good.
If the cops are on her, and the animal folks are informed, its just a matter of time before this person gets what they deserve.
Shame on them.