There are 11 puppies in the litter….qiute often in ridgebacks....I was there when they were coming to this world, so they are like my own....little babies :)
Well, bless them. Animals are resilient and they will go about their lives as if nothing is wrong with them. And there will always be those dear people who will lovingly care for little creatures like this. However, I agree with other posters who have indicated that the bitch NEEDS to be spayed. Whether it is a DNA problem or the bitch doing this to the newborns, spaying needs to be done to ensure this doesn't happen again.
Yes Rita Jean and Lenora, she's Cavalier King Charles. She was realy good for us, she had a bit of a play but slept most of the night. Tom our cat was realy kind to her but unfortunately Jerry wasn't and gave her a swipe. I felt awful as i didn't see it coming and she's such a sweet little thing. Can't believe the difference in getting a Basenji pup and this one. They just decided to get a Dog, searched for a pup and went to get her.
I have to say that i think our way is best for the Dog.
They really are beautiful puppies. You have done a great job with them that was lot of puppies to care for at one time. I do so wish I could have one but we want another Basenji at one point and I could not have it then. Makes me sad as my husband will tell you I have this fit called I want what I want when I want it. Must be why Jaycee and I get along so well we act to much a like. Ha! Ha! I am sure you will get great homes for your babies.
Rita Jean