They're lovely puppies - I love to see them when their noses are just getting colour. I think the tri girl looks very promising - have you a favourite?
The counter is the closest thing that is available in relation to their x-pen. With these little buggers it's hard enough working with one without having three more jumping around too!
The pups really love that ramp. I put a cat sized tunnel in there with them but instead of going through it they played "king of the mountain" and all jumped on top of it lol. These are the bounciest puppies. They are like little kangaroos hopping all the time. It's cute until you are sitting on the floor with them and one of them tries to pierce your nose. Ouch!
Thanks Andrea and Robyn,
That was helpful. Zoni isn't horribly mouthy but I definitely have some more work to do with her. I carry a nylabone in my pocket for the occasion.