Massachusetts meetup?
Wondering if anyone was in the MA area, little Lilu needs a little more socialization with other dogs and thought it would be great to meet up with someone on the boards. I'm in Northeast MA area.
I wind my way up toward Maine on occasion. I will let you know next time I am passing through…I usually take 84 to 90 to 290 to 495 to 95 when I go up there. Last time was about a month ago and I expect I'll be sent up there again in the next few months.
Any new pics?
I'm in RI!!
I'm in Central CT and would be willing to drive up to an hour for a meetup!
Wow, awesome responses! Would love to setup a date sometime preferably on a Sunday, maybe after the new year or so. Let me know, Sundays are best for me though
new pic as requested
yup its coming out more and more haha
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