Mac users beware - my power cord caught fire
I was using my Macbook yesterday when I started to smell something burning. I looked down and there was smoke coming from the power cord where the magnetic connector ends and the wire begins. Then there was a spark and it was on fire! I couldn't believe it! I googled "macbook power cord caught fire" and sure enough this is a known problem. I got a replacement cord from the local Apple Store (after THREE phone calls to Apple, which blew my mind - once they hear the word "fire" they should have bent over backwards).
This is exactly what mine looked like:
I asked the guy in the store why there is no recall on the power cords and he said something like " it could happen due to normal wear and tear and that as the plastic sheathing wears and gets thin, it could melt and subsequently catch fire. I couldn't believe he was saying what he was saying. I expressed my surprise (again) that there was not a recall of some sort and he was like "it doesn't happen all the time"… and i said "right but FIRE happening even some of the time after normal use is cause for serious concern" he didn't get it.
I'm pretty disappointed in Apple...
Anyway, to the Apple users out there - be careful. I always (used to) leave my laptop plugged in to charge when Im not home, but I won't be doing that anymore. Thankfully I was right here when this happened, or who knows what could have transpired.
When I get back to work I plan to investigate this further and see if our safety department can petition for some action by Apple or at least get the word out via a blog or something. Somehow I suspect the Basenji forums mac using population is a mere fraction of the total mac using population who would benefit from this warning... :)
Thanks - yeah, fire is not something that should result from normal wear and tear. Heck, fire shouldn't even result from heavy wear! Loose connection, loss of charge, etc etc - fine. Fire? Not fine.
If Apple's lawyer heard him saying that to me he would have had a heart attack.
Thanks - yeah, fire is not something that should result from normal wear and tear. Heck, fire shouldn't even result from heavy wear! Loose connection, loss of charge, etc etc - fine. Fire? Not fine.
If Apple's lawyer heard him saying that to me he would have had a heart attack.
WOW… really scary... glad you where home....
That is really scary.
Luckily I already unplug my MacBook when I'm not home.
Btw, this isn't the first time Apple has had problems with power adapters catching fire. In the past I've received replacement adapters on PowerBooks and my original iPhone has a replacement (that is what the little green dot on the plug signifies) as do my 3g and 3gs.
They've had all sorts of problems with the MagSafe adapters - it has been on the Internet almost since they introduced them. You would think after having so many problems they would take it more seriously.
One thing they always say is it is normal wear and tear because people pull from the cord and not the MagSafe or plug.
I'm glad you were home to catch it. Wow.