Hello Everyone~ Lost my 14 year old girl, Delle, last June. As you can imagine It was an emotional and financially exhausting time. Over the next year I found that not having a dog gave me time to enjoy my other pet, a horse and develop a social life again. But even with the enjoyable extra time (I spent a lot of time with Delle in her last months because she was fighting renal issues) I missed the close companionship of a dog. And once you are addicted to Basenji's there is really no other dog for you. So ..... two months (having eschewed the terrors of dealing with puppyhood) I drove to MA and met and fell in love with Olly (aka Heart Skips a Beat) from Eldorado Basenji's. In July I was back again to pick up the new girl in my life. Olly (who will probably be called Allie since few people get her name right) has had a couple of litters and in addition to be a silly Basenji is a kind and nurturing soul. Of course coming off the breeding and showing program, she is finding this new lifestyle very different ("what do you mean ''heel and sit"? " Get into the crate? Hey, that show stuff. I'm retired now. I don't do crates anymore") but she is already becoming a Diva and loves sleeping in "our" bed! Welcome home to NJ, Allie!!
Picked up my new little buddy last month -
should I get a basenji?@lovedogs
I'm not a breeder but I've had 5 Basenjis in my life over the past 40 years. I don't think this is the right time in your life to have a dog (let alone a Basenji) with your busy and hectic schedule. It's unreasonable to crate any dog for 9 hours a day. They will be bored and miserable and will quickly show you how fast they can destroy an apartment or house! Even with doggy day care, you just don't have enough time in your life right now for a dog. An older cat might work but you would have to check with cat lovers and find the right cat. If you are a true dog lover, perhaps you could volunteer at a local shelter or doggy day care to get your "fix" of doggy love. When your schedule loosens up, there will be time for a dog - but still maybe not a Basenji- in your life. Good luck and stay in touch with the wonderful people on this site as they have the dog's best interest in mind at all times. -
Thanks for reminding us about the Basenji sneaky little trick of chewing the leash when you lest expect it!! I got a new little girl about 4 months ago and she walks beautifully on the least but I stopped to talk to our vet and before you could bat an eye, she'd chewed through the leash and set off on a tour of the hospital!! I've learned never take my eyes off my kid!! -
Vestibular Canine SyndromeSo happy to hear that your girl is doing better. Sending her much love from 'Senji land!
My strange new dogHi Janine - It's Deb who you've been corresponding to on Quora. I remembered my login so thought I'd check in during lunch break! The woman who I got my last 3 Senji's from in Susan Coe, a very well know American breeder, who now resides in Australia! She is the author of "The Basenji: Out of Africa to You". Fascinating book.
I think you will find enough information on this site and from your own keen observations to find out how to best bond with Molly (although I have to admit.... if she comes to you on recall.... I'd have to question her being a Basenji, lol!) I never ever let my Basenji's off leash unless they are in a fenced yard..... and I've been know to walk the fence line first even then.... I'm definitely a nervous Nellie Mom because I know when a hunting dog sets it's sight on prey and takes off they don't stop and don't notice the oncoming traffic. It took a bit to socialize the current pup to other dogs particularly the larger ones even though she was a successful show dog in her youth. I got her when she was 4. Actually, Susan Coe is a co-breeder of this dog also. Let's see what other forum members have to say about your girl. We will definitely chat again soon though. -
GriefI am so very sorry for your loss of Tikka. They are such fast little devils when they escape the leash and simply ignore your screams of ''stop, sit, down', whatever. Sending prayers and good thoughts to you and your family at this sad time.
Rebel! Basenji Mix@pawla she's adorable, whatever she is! You can do genetic testing for medical knowledge but love her because she is who she is and she loves you! Lucky pup,!
FDA alert on tick/flea productThank you for posting this information which I'd not heard about. I don't use any of the products listed but will certainly pass it along to my barn buddies..... just in case!
Car Rides and Safety@debradownsouth Thank you so much for the link to that wonderful article about the harnesses and safety tests! And you are quite right about the crate protecting a frightened dog who has been in a auto accident. Sometimes difficult to have room for some crates in the car so you have to do the best you can, drive carefully and pray.... a lot!
Going to pick up a new Basenji girl this weekend. Luckily, a good friend has volunteered both his time and and nice SUV to drive to MA with me for the pickup. I'm lucky in that many years ago a lovely PA breeder, Sue Coe, gifted me with an official airline hard shell crate. Fits beautifully in my friend's SUV. My girl is coming to her NJ home in safety and style, the lucky little duck! -
Marvin... Basenji?@scraplover72
He is one handsome boy! Doesn't really matter who his parents are if you love them and they love you!. So glad you found each other. Enjoy the ride. -
Anal leakage@elbrant
Can you get "pure pumpkin" at a pet store? I'm going to try this with my new girl. She is four but was bred several times by her breeder. Not sure if this has anything to do with it but her anal glands seem to fill up much more quickly than my last few pups. She still scoots periodically although she is on a 1/4 tsp of Metamucil as recommended by her vet. Love your idea of freezing "dollops" then thawing them out as needed. Thanks for the info! -
Chi-Rat....Basenji??! I'm not a breeder or show person but I have to say.....Basenji or not she is adorable!
I wouldn't worry that she doesn't play a lot with the humans yet. I got my almost all my Basenji's from reputable breeders so they were well socialized. It just takes them time to ascertain if you are worth playing with! Just love her and give her lots of attention and she'll come around in time. As with any of the high prey drive pups keep her securely in the house (take care with opening the door for any reason..... they can beat Houdini when it comes to getting out of a house or car) and never leave her in a fenced back yard without supervision. I have a solid 6 vinyl fence but when my pup is on the yard I'm at the patio door. I treat like I would a kid if I had a swimming pool..... it my eyes aren't on her when she's in the yard, she has to come in. No answering the door bell, no taking a minute just to grab the phone from the cradle. It only takes a second for them to squeeze through an opening and be gone and that high prey drive means they will dart into the street. Good luck with the little princess!! -
LOL about the bra straps! I know what you mean though; Olly just neatly chewed through the front strap on her brand new raincoat..... it was the first day she wore it. Grrrrr! That leash fix is a great idea. Going to be dropping by my local home depot this afternoon!! Yay, you! -
Meet pharo@marcorilli What a cute fellow. He looks like he's going to be fun and a challenge
Vestibular Canine Syndrome@kembe
My last Basenji suffered a vestibular syndrome episode at age 13 and it was scary. I definitely thought she had suffered a stroke but my vet diagnosed it on the phone. The circling lasted for about 2 days although the head tilt stayed a bit longer. She recovered within the week and went on normally for an old gal. About six mos before we had to put her down, she passed out from extreme HBP (who knew about that?) but the wonderful emergency hospital was able to bring her back and gave her several more great months with me. Not sure if the HBP was related to the vestibular but you might want to check that with your vet. -
Car Rides and SafetyI'm sure some of the very experienced owners and breeders here will have some excellent ideas but in the interim you might consider this: I fashioned a car restraint for my girl by doing a regular doubled leash ( you will have to experiment with how many times it gets looped; will depend on the length of the leash and how much leeway you want to give her to move around) looped thru the locked seatbelt. The leash was then attached to the hook on her web harness. This will only work with a harness, don't even think about doing it with a neck collar! Seems simplistic but I saw someone try it once. I almost had a heart attack before I could stop him!
Logan & Monkey Training Journey@donc
Thanks for the reminder and the tip about the clicker (thought I had one but may have to repurchase). During the pandemic, I've been fortunate enough to work at home so the pup and I are never far apart and we've not been practicing our training. This could be problematical if we ever get a handle of the virus and move back to more normal things. This will provide some good lunch time practice sessions (with the change in time, it is midnight by the time I get off so we will practice on lunch break) Thanks again! -
My handsome Grizzly --7 months old !Oh he is certainly a handsome fellow!!
Behavior Changes in my 8 year old girl??@jengosmonkey
Thanks so much for your thoughtful response. Regular vet checked her ears which looked pretty good although she gave me some additional ear medicine. She also thought it might be allergies (I know mine have been killing me this year). Since the regular vet is a bit of a trip (about 30 minutes), I am set up to have a new patient visit in early June with another well regarded multi vet practice about 10 minutes away. A perfect time to get another vet's opinion on the new behavior assuming that it still occurring. Olly has been boarded at her favorite kennel for a week because I was ill and afraid I might be hospitalized. I check on her via their webcam during the day and she seems perfectly content. I asked if they had seen any head shaking or flight during her but they said she seemed normal. I think her aim is to drive me nuts. She is succeeding!Thanks again!
New pup!@jalex I've had 3 basenjis and one 1 mix over the past 4 years and we've always lived in NJ which can have some cold, snowy and icy periods in the winter. The dogs have been individuals but have all made adaptations for the winter as have I. They will need coats and I just saw someone suggest making booties for them. The boots come in handy if you walk your pups outside on the streets that have been salted and sanded; the salt really burns the doggy pads. My dogs seemed to do better with the doggy coats that have double surcigles (like horse blankets) but that's an individual thing. None of mine were happy about snow falls that made snow drifts/mounds that were taller than they were. I ended up shoveling paths in the back yard - neighbors thought I was looney!