Well i decided to run myself a nice hot bathtub after a long day at work.
Hope is always iffy of the bathroom so i had no second thoughts as i left the tub to fill up as i went to the loo (seperate room from bathroom) i come back to discover…..
.....HOPE IN THE BATHTUB playing in the water LMAO! i called the other half up from the lounge room as we stood and watched in awe. (then she decided to get out and do a B500 .... on wooden floors... slipppperry!)
Then a few days later we were having a shower and she decided to "pop in" (she has to jump into the bathtub- we only have a shower curtain) LMAO.
I dont think there would be too many re-occurances though haha shes not a keen bathroom fan of course if we go try to grab her and put her in shes outta there quick smart - gotta be on her terms lol
oh and another random thing - we go to a puppy play group for socialisation, our first time yesterday. of course i got the "what is she" from most people.
for people that knew what she was...."ohh they are the barkless dogs"... me - "yeah ... doesnt make them...completly... silent" LOL ... "can you make her yodel for us?" Me(trying not to lol) "nah"
another lady - "ohh is she a sheba inu (sp?)" ... me - "nah, shes a basenji" .... lady- "oh, what are they?" LOL
at the end of the play time we were leaving as the larger dogs come in... would you believe it a sheba inu was in the pack, of course we managed to talk and shes like "omg its a basenji!" and then continues to tell me that her sheba inu always gets mistaken for a basenji! (private laugh to myself about the above conversation that just took place).
I also noticed.... Hope... does not STOP... all the others have a breather and a lay down with their owner... Hope just goes and goes and goes ...and goes! and when they all stop, she stirs them up the lil sh!t lol Shes also so much faster and agile then the others, shes running whilst looking back to make sure they are following her ha ha and if they lay down she comes over and bats them with her paw like "get up now". Bossy girl