My crop circle pictures
My grass does that exact same thing if the dogs peep on it over and over again, in the same spot, it sort of burns it..
Yours is quite large though, mine are smaller and usually perfectly round like a pee puddle usually are. Maybe you have alien dogs visiting? :):)If they are alien dogs, could they PLEASE be basenjis? :)
That could be a grub problem. I've seen grub circles like that before, but this one is odd because it's the only spot. Generally, when someone has grub problems, the circles or dead patches are throughout the yard.
Do you have wind chimes or anything bright | shiny | reflective | glass that may be magnifying the sun rays in that spot?
You have a mean neighbour who's jealous of your beeeeautiful back yard and burning your grass with a magnifying glass!
…I got nuttin' really...:cool:
I love wind chimes when I hear them for a few minutes, but after that, not so much. So, no to the wind chimes causing it, and no magnifying objects anywhere near the circle. In the little cul-de-sac we live in, we know all the neighbours well - they better not be sabotaging my yard!
When our last Basenji was on medication, his wee used to burn the grass in patches. Yours are strange in the fact they are almost perfect circles.
A comforting thought is that if there is Aliens visiting, they are only Tiny because the mark left by the spaceship is tiny ;)Hahahaha!!! Today I got down on all fours and sniffed the grass. Okay, insert laugh track. :) I was looking for the distinguishable odor of cat pee. All I could really smell was soil, so I sniffed at the unburnt grass area, and that actually smelled like grass.
Ivoss - Now bugs, I know those bill bugs, though for some reason I call them "pill bugs" because they look like an oval shaped pill. If I turn over a rock in the soil in my yard I do see them. I will have another look to see if I see any bug activity.
To all of you who uttered "chemical burn", please stand up and give yourself a clap!
My sis, who uses the same guy to cut grass, said that last week he had been spot treating some weeds in her yard. He has a can of solution (chemicals - yikes) and he probably put the can down on our grass at some point after remembering we don't put anything on our grass because of our cats. I'm guessing we weren't around when he did the grass, so neither of us thought a chemical burn was possible.
I'm kind of sad though - I wanted to think it was little alien basenjis in their little alien space ship.
I'm almost disappointed that the mystery was solved so soon… but at least now you know it's nothing really threatening.
Kip, water that area VERY well for the next few days. If it was enough to kill the grass, you want to make sure it doesn't get on to any paws. Soak the soil daily and put up a guard to keep all pets away until new grass starts to grow in. Then you know it's safe.
Just for fun….kids-at-heart, someone from Disney must have seen that commercial. A couple of weeks ago there was an episode of "Suite Life on Deck" that had seemingly scary aliens....that turned out to be fly-sized.
Yeah, I'm in my 40's and I watch the Disney Channel sometimes, go figure???