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For those of you that have two girls -

Behavioral Issues
  • Is it normal for two girls who come into season at the same time to act like they want to do each other in?

  • Do you mean "fighting"? Usually not, at least not mine, now they would "hump" each other… all the time!!!

  • Yes, I mean fighting. They seem especially edgy and tense. This is their second season together and they started beating each other up today when one started to go through the door before the other. We are keeping them separated. This kind of thing happened last year and eventually they got back together after their seasons ended. I was just wondering if this happens to others. It almost seems to be a contest for who is the boss.

  • Mine always get crankier with each other right before their heat is about to start. And when we have had irreconcilable fights, it has been then.

  • I have been extremely lucky that my girls while grumpy didn't really change the pack pecking order in or out of season. The only exception was Fatia, the "want a be" that wanted Maggii to be gone, but it was no different in season or out… and that did result in placing Fatia with one of her pups, which was the best decision I ever made.....

  • It's really weird - both girls are getting along fine today!!

  • Good girl-friends, both with PMS???????

  • @MacPack:

    Good girl-friends, both with PMS???????

    Amen to PMS…....................

  • When the event occurred one's season was beginning as the other's was winding down and don't even get me talking about the little boy who lives here. Oh the moaning and groaning… least he is still eating and maintaining weight. Last year he was so skinny!!

  • PMS is history to me thank goodness. But back to bitches - with the hormone changes I've always found bitches edgy up to their season. There could have been fights in the past had I not been aware of it. Nowadays because of my failing to react quite so quickly I give 'Hormonise' from Animal Health, website -, daily for the 3 months leading up to the season. This was originally formulated for mares who as some of you will know can be particularly feisty at their 'season'.

  • @Kebasmom:

    don't even get me talking about the little boy who lives here. Oh the moaning and groaning… least he is still eating and maintaining weight. Last year he was so skinny!!

    Oh, the moaning & groaning…LOL...I have videos on my phone of Brando sobbing & howling last year - definitely a noisy time at my house. And, he was a rail after Liyah's season as I was lucky if I could get part of one meal in him each day.

    Ruby was fine with Aaliyah last year (granted Ruby is spayed - and she actually acted very motherly to her which was kind of interesting) - but Liyah was quite "bitchy" at times and Liyah mostly acted depressed. Ruby wasn't so fine with Brando though because Brando would have taken "any port in a storm" including Ruby - and Ruby wasn't interested in his advances :D:D - so I just kept him separated from the girls.

    All in all it was easier than I had thought it was going to be - but then again I had 8 wks of training on running 2 packs when Brando broke his leg - 4 wks felt like nothing to me by that point.

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    None of the problems you have described warrant a behaviorist. A good trainer yes, and probably a basic obedience class too. @eizenga13: Still gets overly excited when people come to visit. She will be loving and ears back when the guests first arrive. And once guests are relaxed out come her teeth… She doesn't BITE she Mouths... If she gets to excited she will Mouth a little harder than other times... The moment she puts teeth on anyone, she needs to get a 10 second time out. Every single time. Once you've marked the naughty behavior (I like "too bad") say nothing else to her. Just calmly collect her and time her out. You must be absolutely consistent. This works. @eizenga13: She licks herself like crazy… I mean LIKE ALL THE TIME. Lick-lick-lick-lick... that is all we hear her doing... I know a clean dog is great but MY GOD!! Any ideas here?! Is this a problem? Is she causing damage to herself? If so, see your vet. Otherwise I'd leave her alone. @eizenga13: If she is sleeping on me and my lady tries to pick her up to crate her she snarrles and growls and will absolutely try to bit and is extremely vocals.. This is a problem with either resource guarding or body handling. You need a trainer to help you with this. For now, don't move her bodily. Call her. When she arrives have her do a sit or a down and then, give her a food reward. Then ask her to crate up. I assume she goes in willingly. If not, that is a whole separate issue. You should never force a dog into a crate. @eizenga13: She (Kevin) for the first time ever has chewed up not only our bed spread in the dead center of the bed but also a very expensive couch cushion, that I flipped when she tore it up 3 days again and today she tore up the other side…... This has never been something she has done She should not be allowed access to things things that will upset you if destroyed. You know now she has a propensity for it, so manage her. @eizenga13: Loves to steal our socks and underwear and run around with it (since she was a baby she knows it gets a rise out of us so I am pretty sure I don't know how to NOT get a rise from this?). Now I know that if we don't go after her she would relax with it because it doesn't 'get our goat' but she has ruined too much stuff when we simply try to ignore it. See above. If you cannot ignore it, don't allow her access to socks and underwear. See a trainer to teach you how to train her to "drop it". @eizenga13: When she want to play we will but we make it on OUR terms not hers…when we want to stop, well that is when the mouthing starts up and we again... try to ignore it and she will simply go after any extremity she can... so she will go to time out. When play time is over, say a phrase like, "All done!" and then totally blow her off. The second her mouth so much as touchs your skin or clothing, say "too bad" and time her out for 10 seconds. Every. Single. Time. It also sounds like your dog isn't getting enough exercise. Dogs should have 40 min to an hour of cardio. A walk is not cardio. Also try enriching her environment by feeding her out of work to eat puzzles and take her to training class. The destruction sounds like a bored dog, the rest is adolescent stuff. Mostly very normal stuff that any decent trainer can help you with.
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    17 Posts
    @Vanessa: Update So last night I decided to try another tactic. The ever famous squirt bottle. Just the pure sight of it stops both our B's and it worked! I only had to use it 3 times and she got the clue. It was great. :) At 7am when it was time to get up I let her know it was ok to sit on the bed and cuddle with us for a few minutes. We have always allowed Chance to do that in the mornings as a reward for sleeping on his bed the whole night. Kiya was really pleased when I told her it was ok to join us (for a few minutes only) before it was time to get up. I just have to sleep with the squirt bottle now. Fun Fun! Glad to hear that that worked for you. Be sure to find a way to wean her off the presence of the squirt bottle, or you really will have to sleep with it forever!! I just want to point out, that it sounds kind of confusing from Kiya's point of view, that Chance is allowed up on the bed in the morning and she may not be. Keep in mind that dogs CANNOT understand consequences that don't immediately follow a behavior. So, if she is not allowed on the bed because she didn't stay on her bed all night, there is NO way she can put all that together. Keep it really simple for her…good behavior equals reward immediately...if you are going to use consequences they have to happen immediately. Good luck, and good sleep :)
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    Phoenix will get moody if he's hot this last weekend we had a heat wave :( And he was cranky as ever {can't blame him so was i} He won't go and bite someone but if they come up to him he growls as so say " can u see i am hot and umcomfortable and u want to put ur warm hands on me too" go away :)