3-year-old male in Arizona:
"Blake is a three year old male Basenji. He is a purebred, trindle colored Basenji (tri color with brindle). We rescued him a year and a half ago, and for the most part he is a sweet boy. He was left in his kennel for up to 16 hours a day from his previous owner. He had issues with his kennel but will now go to "bed" (his kennel) on command, sometimes needs a little snack for coaxing! He normally gets along with our other male Basenji, but there appears to be a dominance issue between the two as they have not been getting along as well. We feel that Blake would be happier in a single dog family where he can get the love and attention he deserves.
E-mail for details about the re-homing fee. He would like to keep his food dish, bed, kennel. We don't have any problem with that and will include his AKC paperwork as well. (he is neutered so don't get any ideas)"