Otis just nipped my son…
As they say, it works till it doesn't. And just because it worked before, doesn't mean it will work now, especially if you have a "want a be" and I don't believe this really has anything to do with the breed of dog.
While I am NOT a behavorist and I am sure that each work in their own way, I honestly never heard of one that doesn't come to the home? I don't see how they can assess the dog unless they see that dog in the home it lives in?
Petra, are you in the Houston area? Looks to me like the ASPCA has behavorists at least according to their web site… but maybe someone like Andrea that does training can "pipe" in....
Just a note here Petra on the vet doing the thyroid panel. It's not a full panel like Dr Dodds does. You can have his blood drawn and they can send it to Dr Dodds here in CA. Please see these instructions.
http://www.itsfortheanimals.com/HEMOPET.HTM -
Tanza..I was kind of surprised when we were there and she said..he seems really mellow now?..well yeah, he is at a strange place and odds are he will only lay down at my feet and try to sleep..what did you expect? They open in an hour and I will call as soon as they do, I did leave a message but …I haven't heard frm her yet.
Dan, I will see if they can send it to her instead, it shouldn't matter to the vet, right?
Just a note here Petra on the vet doing the thyroid panel. It's not a full panel like Dr Dodds does. You can have his blood drawn and they can send it to Dr Dodds here in CA. Please see these instructions.
http://www.itsfortheanimals.com/HEMOPET.HTMThere are a number of labs that do the full panel, usually the office has the ones that they usually use, be to Hemopet or U of Mich, U of Davis, etc
On the behaviorist vs trainer thing, you may need to work with both. I think you would really benefit from someone willing to come to your home and see the environment that Otis lives in and the other dogs and people in the household. There may be factors that aren't apparent in an outside the home consult. Also, you should be seeing someone on fairly regular basis at first to make sure this problem is being resolved. If it is not getting better then there may be need to alter the course action but that requires that there are regular "check ins" with the person you are working with.
Try this website to see if you can find any trainers in your area. You can search by zip code. You can screen a bunch by email explaining the situation, what you want to accomplish, etc. I did this for a situation with my brother's dog and it worked well for him. Good luck finding someone, I'm sure it feels like a major challenge in itself just finding someone to work with. IMHO, if they aren't willing to come to your home, then they aren't the kind of trainer/behaviorist you need. I could understand an initial consult away from home or over the phone, but for evaluation of the dog it would need to be at home.
Just got word from the Vet, he is out and doing really well..so I will be picking him up at 3:30 or so.
They have taken his bloodsamples and are sending them to Dr Dodd.. -
So glad Otis (and you) has made it through the blood test. I too hate leaving my beloved animals at the vet, but recognize the necessity of it. Good for you, Basenjimama - your Otis will thank you for it.
I don't think Otis will be thanking her for it today - he was being neutered! :D;)
Sorry, this made me think of the Far Side cartoon where the 1 dog is in the car yelling happily to his dog friend in the yard - "I'm going to be tutored!" LOL
yes, Otis is not a happy camper right now..
He was very happy to see me though, his little cinnamon bun wiggling like crazy.
They had me go back to the kennel are and get him as he had bit the crap out of one of the vet techs…not good. She was Ok, said it is part of the job, but I am feeling bad about it and it worries me.
I think I might have to find another behaviorist, one that actually works with you in your home..the vet told me about the only one he thought was worth a darn..Now he just ate a little, gave him his happy pill and hoping he goes to sleep.
I know, I have actually had him in his crate in the livingroom, he seems fine in there..not even whining or crying.
I told the kiddos to give him space and they are very eager to comply, actually Lukas is very scared around him, something that I understand but hope to fix soon…
Otis is such a sweet dog..most of the time, like 98%, but it is when things goes wrong that leaves marks in your memory..if that makes sense.
I just ordered the other book you guys recommended..even came in Kindle version..yippee. -
Petra, I am sorry you are having these issues with Otis. Neutering will probably help eventually, once the hormones are out of his system. I know how much you love him, but you love your kids and husband too. I don't have any solutions other than looking for a good behavorist, this is one of those times you wish you could read his mind and know what his issues are…where is that lady on TV that is an animal communicator when you need her?????
At any rate, hopefully everyone can work on "mellow vibes" and Otis will heal quickly from his neuter.
I do hope the neutering helps but as others have pointed out the effects of neutering may not be apparent for some time.
I have had some experience with behaviorists and know that some only work from their premises and not in your own. This always seems strange to me as I'm sure the family dynamics and the family home are all relevant in assessing behaviour. I do hope that you can find a suitable one. Many normally good natured dogs and especially Basenjis react to strange treatment at the vets. I would have thought it was par for the course for workers at a vets. If only we could educate our veterinarians and assistants on how to behave around a basenji!
Dr Ian Dunbar says dogs have teeth, they bite. After all Otis doesn't know how to say this is mine I aim to keep it except by his behaviour.
I sincerely pray that you will be able to resolve his problems and I'm sure with all the expert advice you've been given you could help him.
Otis is doing really well today, he has been outside with the other dogs for most of the day enjoying our springlike weather.
I had to go retrieve a little r/w BRAT boy today, Riley, so nerves were running high in the house..i.e me..I had no idea as to how it would go with Otis and the other dogs either for that matter..
So far so good, they are having a ball, Riley is the same age as Otis and very domineering, Otis is taking it good and I am glad to see another dogs stand up to him.
Riley is only staying with us until saturday, I told BRAT I can get him, but I can not foster with 4 dogs in my home already, so we are meeting somebody about three hours north of Houston to transfer him to Dallas.I started reading the book, "How to be the leader of your Pack"..wow, what a great book, I highly recommend it..thanks guys for recommending it. I am determined not to give up on my sweet boy..he just need a stern hand and some guidance in life..
Otis is doing really well today, he has been outside with the other dogs for most of the day enjoying our springlike weather.
I had to go retrieve a little r/w BRAT boy today, Riley, so nerves were running high in the house..i.e me..I had no idea as to how it would go with Otis and the other dogs either for that matter..
So far so good, they are having a ball, Riley is the same age as Otis and very domineering, Otis is taking it good and I am glad to see another dogs stand up to him.
Riley is only staying with us until saturday, I told BRAT I can get him, but I can not foster with 4 dogs in my home already, so we are meeting somebody about three hours north of Houston to transfer him to Dallas.I started reading the book, "How to be the leader of your Pack"..wow, what a great book, I highly recommend it..thanks guys for recommending it. I am determined not to give up on my sweet boy..he just need a stern hand and some guidance in life..
Great news Petra! I think Otis will turn out to be a great Basenji given patience and time. Some of the more difficult ones in the beginning turn out to be real winners. My first and third Basenjis were a bit of a challenge at first too but with patience turned out to be wonderful Basenjis for me. Keep us updated on his progress. We all learn from your situation and thank you for sharing it with us. :)
Thanks guys..We are amazed, my husband and I, of how quickly he has bounced back from his neuter..no signs of slowing him downa t all, and his boo-boo looks really nice and clean. Our other males had difficulties and moody looks for days after the "ballchopping incident"..not Otis..
I finished reading the book, great information, will start implementing them asap, easy to do things yet so effective, or at least so it seems.
I did talk to the behaviorist my vet and lVoss recommended, sounds like a great person, but again, I go to her place, she doesn't come to ours..we will give it a go still, in a week.
We had an incident this morning where he stole my daughters lunch bag abd tore into her PBJ sandwis, I stopped him and he growled at me and tried (I guess) to graze my thumb area..he didn't get me, and as soon as he did it he got spooked..I stepped over him like the book recommended and he parked his butt on the floor..So essentially I was bigger than him..I calmly picked up the mauled sandwich, threw it in the trash and made another one for Sofia..meanwhile he sat behind me in sit-stay, until I let him outside.
Small steps. -
Don't be afraid to ask if she can't come to your home, for a referral to a trainer who can work with both of you toward your goal and can come to your home. I know people in my area who work with both a behaviorist and a trainer in order to work through tough issues. Usually one will recommend the other depending on the issues being addressed.
Lisa, thanks for that advice. I will call ask her about that.