Food grade Diatomaceous earth
i've used it for ants; we don't have fleas here. don't know if what i have is food grade; it came from the feed store. it's pretty safe for mammals and birds.
I use it a my chicken coop, it keeps all bugs off of the hens and rooster. It also works for dogs, but tend to be very drying on the skin, for humans and dogs. It works though.
Yes, use extra caution for both of you and Buddy, not to get it into your lunges, like I said it is very drying and will irritate your lungs.
Make sure you get human grade/food grade, like at a feedstore, the other one is very toxic, that type is for pool use. -
I use it a my chicken coop, it keeps all bugs off of the hens and rooster. It also works for dogs, but tend to be very drying on the skin, for humans and dogs. It works though.
Yes, use extra caution for both of you and Buddy, not to get it into your lunges, like I said it is very drying and will irritate your lungs.
Make sure you get human grade/food grade, like at a feedstore, the other one is very toxic, that type is for pool use.So the dogs have not have flea problems using this?
If B-mamma is able to control fleas in Texas with this stuff, it must be good. The first time I took AJ to Texas, we stopped outside B-mamma's town so he could take a leak. He no sooner got out of the truck and had fleas just covering his legs and feet. I got my tail to a pet store as soon as I could and got him some Advantage.
If B-mamma is able to control fleas in Texas with this stuff, it must be good. The first time I took AJ to Texas, we stopped outside B-mamma's town so he could take a leak. He no sooner got out of the truck and had fleas just covering his legs and feet. I got my tail to a pet store as soon as I could and got him some Advantage.
Guess that nice hot climate is what they like.
Yes, we could control it with the diam. earth, but rather not, their skin gets so dry, I only use it in my yard and coop, spread it all over your yard, on a nonwindy day and it will kill anything and everything, inlcuding fleas, it basically dries them out. I even put it in the feed for the chickens, helps with worms. Although unknown to most, we all consume diam. earth as humans, in pancake mixes, some flour mixes and things like that..keeps critters from invadiing while in storage..
I actually use Comfortis on the dogs, the only thing that seesm to work the best.