Hello from Lindsey and Leo!
Hi! Welcome to the forum!
Hi, my name is Lindsey and I'm from Ohio. My husband and I adopted our first basenji last January. Leo is now a little over a year old. As you can tell from the picture he is black and white. I haven't seen many black and whites…does this mean anything? We knew that basenjis could be a handful before Leo came along, but we don't always know how to handle it, so I'm thankful for some supportive advice :) Although he can be rotten, his cuddle time seems to make up for all the lost socks. Can't wait to meet more basenji lovers!
Welcome to the forum! Where are you in Ohio? I'm in the Dayton area.
Welcome to the forum
Hi, we just got our little guy and rotten covers him pretty well. But I haven't found a better snuggler either. Not even my dh. lol Welcome. You will really learn a lot here. I know I have.