Poor Baby..
First and foremost , we'd like to thank the admin for continuing this forum board and the plethora of knowledge found amongst its members. We are grateful that we have a place to come to with certainty!
Just a little update:
Oh the drama of owning a dog! Kairoe's appointment was scheduled at 3pm and prior to his appointment he had exhibited all the signs mentioned above…
We did not take Kairoe out for his morning walk as we decided to keep all fluids [stool & urine] in him to ensure that we would get an accurate sample for the vet. He had been having bouts of diarrhea all weekend and would only eliminate once compared to the 2 - 3 times when he wasn't sick. So, we concluded this would be most ideal and seeing as he did not want to go out either…
SO...we get to the vet and I run in to get a sample cup for his stool and armed myself with a plastic bag to block the stream of liquid coming out of his rear. Clarisse walked him around the clinic while I trailed behind ready with cup and plastic bag. Kairoe begins to squat and as we wait in anticipation, all of a sudden...out comes solid stool! It appeared to be parts of his fleece blanket! We couldn't get over it and just shook our heads all the way into the vet clinic.
They took his temperature which was at 39.6 but was very alert and much to our surprise he ate the treats that was given to him (remember he wouldn't take from us, except for the handful of rollover bits from last night). He was a bit dehydrated and had sub Q fluids to fix it, plus they also did a CBC and CC3 (what is a CC3?), which they will call us with the results sometime tomorrow. He listened to his heart, which was fine and also massaged his body/belly to see if anything was stuck.
So $300 dollars later.. we have a dog who seems very well. He is taking treats, drinking his water, playing with his toys and doing his b-500's!
Here's a before and after video of Kairoe..
I would be watching him very carefully for the next few days. He may not have passed all of the fleece bedding and could still be at risk of a blockage.
That's what we're doing, as we don't know how much he has ingested. We're keeping our fingers crossed!
I agree with lvoss… I would watch him really carefully... and I think if he were mine I would have requested an xray to see if they could see any further blockage.....
We've decided to wait it out.. and he seems to be A LOT better. The vet also suggested to give him some gastro stuff to feed him, but we opted for boiled chicken and rice as this has worked for him before. We're still keeping our fingers crossed.. especially because he had a fever, which threw us off. We just gotta wait for the bloodwork results.
Fever would be expected if there are foreign bodies in the intestines…
Thaaaaat's why! Thanks! We didn't know that.
Good to see him doing so well..silly boy. Just keep a watchful eye on him and keep us posted.
What a great hallway for indoor runs..Otis is jealous..
Thaaaaat's why! Thanks! We didn't know that.
But it usually means that it is very possible that some part of the intestines are strangled…. I don't mean to try and scare you, but I would be really concerned that a piece of the bedding might have wrapped around some part of the intestines and is choking it off.... or that a piece that was stuck could have perforated the stomach or intestines....
Good to see him doing so well..silly boy. Just keep a watchful eye on him and keep us posted.
What a great hallway for indoor runs..Otis is jealous..
The hallway is ideal for two things! When he gets the urge to sofa surf, we simply open the door so he can get his 500 out of the way. He'll do multiple runs up & down the hallway and with each pass he'll try to dislodge our neighbours door mat located at the very end. We swear that's his whole goal..lol. Personally, I like the fact that after taking him for a walk during rainy or slushy days, the hallway carpet serves as a paw cleaner while he does his laps!
Good to see him doing so well..silly boy. Just keep a watchful eye on him and keep us posted.
What a great hallway for indoor runs..Otis is jealous..
Yeah, it's awesome. He usually goes for the run when we get back from his walk.. he gets to sit for 3 seconds in the elevator (for us to check too that nobody's in the hallway) while we remove his collar, and then he jumps out to run from end to end as soon as we say "go!". Too bad you can't see it, but there's a rug in front of one of our neighbor's door that we occasionally have to reposition as he kicks it up in the air!
And yes, we will be keeping you guys posted.. this forum has been a lifeline for us!
The hallway is ideal for two things! When he gets the urge to sofa surf, we simply open the door so he can get his 500 out of the way. He'll do multiple runs up & down the hallway and with each pass he'll try to dislodge our neighbours door mat located at the very end. We swear that's his whole goal..lol. Personally, I like the fact that after taking him for a walk during rainy or slushy days, the hallway carpet serves as a paw cleaner while he does his laps!
Hi Daddy! Just keep working and stop posting on the forum!!! ;P We had to reply to the same post too.. that's funny!
But it usually means that it is very possible that some part of the intestines are strangled…. I don't mean to try and scare you, but I would be really concerned that a piece of the bedding might have wrapped around some part of the intestines and is choking it off.... or that a piece that was stuck could have perforated the stomach or intestines....
I'd like to think that a soft fleece piece of blanket would not perforate his stomach or intestines.. but then you'll never know. And no worries we know you're not trying to scare us, we're just trying to be the eternal optimist and that if there would be more fleecy stuff in there that he'll pass it like he did today. :)
Blankets, towels etc can cause perforation of the intestine because the strips actually act as saw as they move through the intestine. Sort of like how you can use dental floss to cut cakes. It is not about being hard or soft but about the tension and friction against the intestinal walls.
I'd like to think that a soft fleece piece of blanket would not perforate his stomach or intestines.. but then you'll never know. And no worries we know you're not trying to scare us, we're just trying to be the eternal optimist and that if there would be more fleecy stuff in there that he'll pass it like he did today. :)
Did he eat his boiled chicken and rice?
Does he chew off pieces of his fleece blanket often? One of my dogs chewed on a bath towel (laundry room door was open) and ate a small piece, which if just fabric probably wouldn't have done as much damage. But it became very unraveled and stringy, which made it a very effective intestinal blockage connecting back into his stomach and had to be surgically removed. I won't let them have blankets unsupervised anymore, regardless of what they're made of.
Good to hear he is doing much better!
Wow, a piece of fleece blanket! So glad he's feeling better and that it was not Parvo. I'm lucky as the amount of toys, blankets and pads Buddy has rip up and shredded he spits out the little pieces. He has a full size blanket he lays on in a chair in the living room that looks like it was hung on a clothes line and shot at with an AK-47 rifle. Some dogs are swallowers. Luckily my previous Bs never swallowed anything material.
He has a full size blanket he lays on in a chair in the living room that looks like it was hung on a clothes line and shot at with an AK-47 rifle.
As for ClarEmmKai:
WHEW!!! Disaster averted! Now you can get that Parvo shot unless the vet already gave it to him today.
He looks a million times better in the after video, you must both be so relieved
Hi Folks,
Been awhile since I've been on any lists due to those technical difficulty things. Now as I'm slowly getting back on lists, I see this thread on Kairoe and do feel the need to respond. As most of you folks will know, Kairoe's folks are new to basenjis but are not iwthout a local support system. I spoke with his Mom on saturday, so did his breeder. I know that all the ground that was covered by you folks was covered by us as well. At that time, they didn't think he had a fever, he was alert but lethargic. Had done some vomiting. We heard nothing further [we are easily reachable]. I know Kairoe has had Parvo vaccine as a puppy, he had had his 2nd puppy shot when they got him. Vaccine protocol was explained and I'm pretty sure it was followed through on,as memory serves.
I questioned the possibility of Kairoe having ingested something that could cause a blockage quite clearly as we all know what the little monkeys can do. On the sunday, there were a bunch of us Basenji slaves at the puppy party and they did have contact info for there as well. I'm happy this has resolved with the passing of the blanket bits. The joys pf owning a Basenji and being new can sure be nerve wracking.Sue & the crew