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Localized Siezures, high ALT, anemia, deafness…Any ideas? Advise?

Basenji Health Issues & Questions
  • I am so sorry to hear that you still don't know what is wrong with Max.
    I sure hope you get some answers soon..

    We will be keeping all of you in our thoughts and prayers..

  • Sorry to hear about Maxs problems. I cant offer much exept tp tell you about my experience with Benji. At approx 13 years he experienced a grand mal seizure, the vet did various tests and found that he had high liver enzymes, they came to the conclusion that something was destroying his liver but didn't know what. We were very upset and confused an MRI was mentioned along with other tests. The vet pointed out to us that it would be traumatic for Benji and whatever they found, if anything we would still end up just treating the syptoms. We decided to carry on treating the symptoms and he had a further 18 months with us. We had our ups and downs with the treatment but i would say it bought him quality time.

  • @k.rass:

    Does anyone know of any clinics that offer more affordable MRI's?

    You could contact UC Davis and see what their price is. Sometimes they are cheaper sometimes they are not.

  • In relation to liver problems, I can't help recalling how we used aloe vera gel, taken internally, to help my Westphalian gelding at the grand age of 19 when he was diagnosed with liver disease (unspecified).

    We consulted David Urch, the well-known vet who has written a book which I highly recommend on the uses of Aloe Vera for animals (many species), and he gave us a recommended dosage (in this case by the half-bucket load!). In under a year he had fully recovered (actually it was probably under 6 months but we took no chances and continued treatment for a year). He went from the ribby appearance of a third-world cow to a wonderfully fit-looking horse again. I still ride him at the even grander age of 25.

    I have no idea if it would help Max but, as I have with our Bing's problems, I'd recommend you consider trying it for a while.

  • I am fostering a 15 year old, will be 16 in December that has tremors. She had a thorough checkup by a specialist including an ultrasound. I was concerned that she had a tumor but nothing was found. Since these tremors were not seizures, I assume they are a symptom of old age or as part of dementia. The tremors remind me of Parkinsons in humans. They are much more noticeable when she is standing still. Her blood tests were normal for a dog her age.

    I had another elderly rescue, 12-14 years old that had tremors in the rear legs. I only noticed them when she stood still.

    Jennifer Hill

  • I have a question for Jennifer (dcmclcm4) regarding the tremors of your foster. Are they full body tremors or a particular limb? Does it occur many times throughout the day or is it constant? I would describe Max's as Parkinsons like also, starting in his face as twitches and then moving along his body. One vet said he's never heard of a dog with Parkinsons but maybe these tremors could be caused by something like that.

    I also find it very interesting that high liver enzymes seem to be so common with siezure like symptoms. I wonder if it's related despite what the DVMs say. Is liver problems another issue with the breed?

    Once again - Thanks so much for all your answers- It really helps me to have more information.

  • We had similar-sounding twitches as a result of calcium deficiency in our Bing. Giving him a calcium + Vit D worked in 30 minutes!

  • My Catfish had high liver enzymes at one point, but we changed food and meds etc and they went away. She also had partial seziures and some GI issues… it turned out she had Addisons disease probably caused by a pituitary tumor. Addisons is hard to diagnose because the symptoms can be vague and point to a number of things and it's also hard to test. If you don't test at the right time- during a "crisis" that's severe enough- you get a negative. We did more blood work on that dog in the short 3 1/2 years we had her then most dogs would have in their lives! I don't know that your boy has it though, this sounds gradual(?) and it usually strikes young to mid aged bitches.

    I'm surprised you're vet hasn't wanted you to try anit-seizure meds- PB would be out because of the liver, but potassium bromide is liver safe. There are a lot of other less-used meds too. If they truly are seizures, the more he has, the more he'll get, and they could progress to grand-mals without treatment. I guess he could have a brain or spinal tumor, that's causing compression, but I would think he'd have other neuro symptoms by now.... How's his gait etc? any new limps, trouble getting up/off of things(not necessarily pain- even just seeming unsure). Have you done a tick panel? Lyme and other tick-born things can cause a myriad of symptoms.

    Anyway- you might want to check out the GARD diet to help bring his liver #s down. Milk thistle/SAM-e are other things you should check out, it can do wonders. Catfish was on taurine daily, 500 mg, I think 250 mg is the dosage for a b sized dog but you can't give too much.

    I hope you figure it out and have many good years left!

  • Dogs can, and do, get parkinson's. In fact, since we now have advances in medicines and dogs are living until older, vets are noticing it more and more in elderly dogs. I had one 17 1/2 year old with dementia. So dogs do get neurological diseases just like humans. The University of Missouri are doing studies on Parkinson's in canines.

    Here is a link to an article re this.

    I'm sure if you google it, you will find a lot of info on Parkinson's and neurological disorders in dogs.

  • To update Max's condition - he's been a very needy B and following me everywhere, then couldn't lay down with out wincing. Everytime he did get down, he couldn't roll over without yiping. Which meant every night he'd yelp at least 5 times. I took him to the vet and after x-rays found that he had a slipped disk. Now he's on a light steroid and pain killers to reduce inflamation and no walks for 3 wks! Very difficult for a B! And when we start walks again we'll use a harness. The good news is his liver ALT went from 300 to 150 after a low protein diet with Denamarin supplements. I just started him on a fish oil supplement and he has been getting canned sweet pototo or pumkin with everymeal. I think it has also kept his seizures from getting worse. The neurologist tested him for Vit D dificiency but he was ok on that but I may just supplement him on that anyway as I don't think more would hurt him.

    I think my next move may be acupuncture to help the seizures and liver. Has anyone else had this type of treatment? Do B's mind the needles?

    Once again, thanks to everyone for your helpful insights!

  • Thanks for the update, poor Max, i hope his slipped disc gets better soon. Good news about his liver value

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