I have a question to ask regarding Otis..
He woke up this morning about 4:30 and threw up twice, bile, so It hought of course that he was hungry, but didn't give him anything then, because he went straight back to sleep. Fastforward a few hours and now it is breakfast time..he smells his food, today was raw fish and veggies, one of his favorites.., but won't eat anything..this is very much not like Otis, he eats anything and everything..I take him for a walk, thinking he needs to move a little, when we get back he eats a few chunks of meat (pork) and that is it..After that I ran to my daughter's school, when I got back about an hour later he had thrown up his chunks of meat and some other non describable food items..He went out and pooped some more, no diarrhea, just normal poop.
Since then he has slept, chased squirrels and slept some more. He will not eat, and I tried his favorites..He feels normal as far as his temp, although I realize that is not the way to guage it..
A few days ago our new foster got into the bathroom trash..needless to say since it was already "broken into" Otis joined her..They found lots of not so good for a dog to eat items..like female items..could that have gotten him?
What should I do? Should I see if it runs its course or should I do something specific?
Any suggestions would be great..Poor Otis is 9 months today and talk about a crappy way to celebrate..Lol