Question regarding stomach issues
I found this info on how to get your dog to throw up. Anybody ever try this?
It's not pretty, but the hydrogen peroxide has saved us more than one vet visit. The best was when a leather glove came up missing…nobody saw the glove disappear, but Leo just looked guilty. He won the coin toss...and "gave" back the glove.
He won the coin toss…and "gave" back the glove.
Ha, ha, ha…what immediately came to mind when you said the glove came back up was "if the glove doesn't fit you must acquit..." :D:D:D
Additionally...Nobarkus, no special tools are needed - just hydrogen peroxide (you can find that at many gas stations if you are on the road) and the great outdoors. ;)
It's not pretty, but the hydrogen peroxide has saved us more than one vet visit. The best was when a leather glove came up missing…nobody saw the glove disappear, but Leo just looked guilty. He won the coin toss...and "gave" back the glove.
OMG! A leather glove! I'm very lucky as Buddy doesn't swallow anything but food. The only trouble is if he picks up old chicken bones along the street someone has tossed along the sidewalk but I just quick get my hand in there and pull it right out fast. Sometimes he'll eat an old cracker or something and have some diarrhea later in the day.
Ok, so I just got home from my PE job and he has gotten really sick, but I can not figure out if he threw up or diarrhea or both..It was several, like 6 areas, smallish/medium in size, some were liquid with chunks of food still in it, others were more mucus in fashion..
In the past he has had dirarrhea with undigested food in it, so I don't automatically think it is vomit. He wanted to go out, so I let him out and he is currently chasing
As far as water consumption..he hasn't had any water to drink, he very rarely does, since he is on the raw diet..water is in several locations throughout our home, so he might have had some when I wasn't around, I just haven't seen him drink.
As far as feminine products, he must have had some ingested, I did see some in his poop it has passed..I hope all of did. God forbid he has something stuck, I know that will be a very expensive surgery monetary wise and wellbeing wise as well…I will keep y'all updated as things progress..thanks for all your input and thoughts..
I found this info on how to get your dog to throw up. Anybody ever try this?
Only problem is if you are not at home to have the items needed.
No, I only use hydrogen peroxide works fine and it is cheap…
by the way... it should be used within 1/2 to 1 hour of ingestion... after that, best to visit the Vet....
Ok, so I just got home from my PE job and he has gotten really sick, but I can not figure out if he threw up or diarrhea or both..It was several, like 6 areas, smallish/medium in size, some were liquid with chunks of food still in it, others were more mucus in fashion..
In the past he has had dirarrhea with undigested food in it, so I don't automatically think it is vomit. He wanted to go out, so I let him out and he is currently chasing
As far as water consumption..he hasn't had any water to drink, he very rarely does, since he is on the raw diet..water is in several locations throughout our home, so he might have had some when I wasn't around, I just haven't seen him drink.
As far as feminine products, he must have had some ingested, I did see some in his poop it has passed..I hope all of did. God forbid he has something stuck, I know that will be a very expensive surgery monetary wise and wellbeing wise as well…I will keep y'all updated as things progress..thanks for all your input and thoughts..
Honestly… I am not sure that I would take that chance... if you saw it in his poop, then there is a very good chance he still have some in his gut... if it were me, I would not take a chance...
Tanza, do you mean I should take him to the vet or make him thow up?
RitaJean, I don't think thats what it is, they are much better together times. -
At this point, it is too late for inducing vomiting to help. He has already probably emptied his stomach with the previous vomiting. It is time to take him into the vet and have him examined. With that much vomiting and/or diarreah, dehydration becomes a real concern as well as there being a high risk of blockage from consuming something he shouldn't.
Very sorry to hear Otis isn't well and also Kananga. Arfaid i dont have any suggestions but hope the're both feeling much better soon.
Pat, can i ask about Hydrogen Peroxide, i thought this was a type of bleach for your hair. Are we talking about the same thing i have never heard of it being used to induce vomiting
Different feminine products can cause different reactions. Tampons with strings when ingested; strings can become entangled and cause an obstruction just by the size of the created mass. Slightly used products of the same nature can singularly absorb upper and lower GI fluids and expand in such proportions to create a blockage.
Some pads may have "additives" that combat odor or increase absorbability; these may cause a irritable tummy or in some cases severe upper/lower GI reaction.
My vet never heard of a toxic reaction to these products, but she never the less, doesn't discount it when it comes to dogs with allergic reactions from an "unknown substance" (Some owners are less forth coming with the true info when asked "what did your dog eat recently" question. Feminine products, condoms, crotches from underwear, sex toys, stimulant products, etc…aren't documented much because the owner is not forth coming with the vital info.)
That said...syrup of ipecac should be a home owner staple. Peroxide is another. Not to disrespect anyone who has posted before me, but educate yourselves as to when, and when not to induce vomiting. Inducing vomiting in some instances, can sometimes cause more damage, and perhaps be fatal.
Following a copy and paste from a vet….....
It is possible to induce vomiting using hydrogen peroxide given in small amounts until the dog vomits or by using syrup of ipecac (it takes about 1 teaspoon of ipecac syrup per 10 lbs. of body weigh to induce vomiting, on the average so it can be hard to give enough of this --- and overdosage can cause heart problems so it does have to be measured). Apomorphine is a good choice for inducing vomiting, too -- but usually only available through your vet and it is pretty expensive.
OK all.
After being on here an hour or so ago, he wanted to go out again and I followed him, wanting to see what was coming out. No much as in quantity, but blood red..needless to say I rushed to the vet, about 2 miles from here and they did numerous tests, fecal float of course, (isn't that one of the staple vet procedures?), as well as a test for bacteria and a Giardia worms or the like, no Giardia either but he did have a severe bacterial infection (?), they called "Hemorrhagic Enteritis-Bacterial" , so he was given Flagyl -antibiotic, Amforol-anti diarrheal and a Cerenia injection-for nausea.
I did explain the trash digging and all, but he (the vet) seemed confident that he has a bacterial einfection..I will try to give him his meds for two days, but if I don't see an improvement, we will go back..
I have yet to be able to give him his meds as he refuses to swallow them and food is the least from his mind..what do I do know?
I have boiled him some rice and such but he won't touch it, he even turn his face away from it. -
Sweet potato baby food, I happen to have that in my pantry,. yeah I will try that..what about pedialyte (sp?) I don't have any, but my vet said taht would be Ok to give him, I was thinking of making my own..just to get some fluid and calories in him..
Thanks Ivoss..I am is so hard to watch him just lay there clearly miserable..
If you saw waste from the trash in his poop (even a little) it was not just "trash digging"… it was trash eating... Did you make it clear that he ate what was in the trash because you saw some in his poop?
Sorry, but I disagree with your Vet... he needs to be checked for a blockage IMO... and sooner rather then later...
And don't always expect that they will "eat" a pill... especially if they are already off their food... you will have to "shove" the pill down him...
But again... I would still say that I would be more concerned about the trash he ate...and the time in between is just right for a blockage... IMO