Cooking For Dogs
I just read your recipe and I told my daughter that sounds good enough for me to eat. I really want to know how the dogs like them I might have to give that one a try. The kitchen and I really do not like each other very well but that looks pretty easy.
Rita Jean
What a great blog, I love it..the recipes look smashing..Lucky B's.
THANKS….I'm still learning, but the cost of all the prepackaged foods is going higher and higher.....and I think this is important for the B's system, they do have unique tummies.
Pumpkin is our favorite addition to the wellness food they eat.
Thanks for your infor.... -
Not Lvoss,
Steel cut oats is oatmeal that has a coarser cut, therefor it has more nutrients and is healthier for us and the It does take longer to cook, but the taste and texture so makes up for it..I find it in the regular grocery store, where oatmeal is sold, just look for steel cut (or I believe it can be called Irish oatmeal too..but I might be wrong) on the carton. The health food store has a larger selection.
Wizard, I just answered, lvoss started the great thread about the cooking..I love her blog..
I will just add to what Petra said about finding the steel cut oats. You can find them in the Oatmeal section but also if you grocery store has a bulk section check there. It was significantly cheaper for me to buy from the bulk bins then to get the prepackaged section.