Tiva's new titles
During the last 3 months we were very busy :D with finishing championships. Tiva is already Junior Champion of Croatia and Slovenia, and in July she finished International CH, in August Croatian CH and this weekend Slovenian CH.
ChJ HR, ChJ SLO, Int Ch, Ch HR, Ch SLO Faraoland Superlativa "Tiva" (Ch. Faraoland Saga Zulu x Ch. Hazhart Star Surf)
yeah Tina that is great!! congratulations :D
Congratulations to Tiva
Huge congrats coming Tiva's way, wow.
congrats - she has lots of attitude in her gaiting pic
congrats - she has lots of attitude in her gaiting pic
You aren't kidding, lol. It's like "look at me, here I come".
Congrats to Tiva!