Shedding like crazy
Never has Seren shedded like she is now. I brush her 3-4 times a day with a mit and it is always full of hair. My bedspread is black and she sleeps with us, it is covered in hair which I have to remove daily. Is anyone else having this problem? Any suggestions?
Zak is also shedding like crazy. :D He always blows his coat in February and occassionally in the summer,but usually not until Sept. I highly recommend the Furminator - it works great!
Whats a furminator please ?
It is a de-shedding tool
Thanks for the link Pat, i think i might get one for our big dog, he sheds all year round. In spring i put his fur out in a wire bird bread holder and they take it for nests.
Is it hotter than normal in FL this year? That seems a lot of shedding. Not much shedding here in Nor Cal as weather is mild this year. When I first got Buddy 2 months ago he had a lot of hair come off when brushed but that was because he never got brushed being a rescue. Now hardly anything comes off when I use the curry comb or flea comb. I'll have to check out that furminator as Buddy has a thick and course coat.
Boy do i feel your pain. But we did this in March. It was AWFUL! hair everywhere. I bought my son a pet vac and he keeps it in his room to vac his bed about every day. It is much better. We got a zoomgroom too. he uses it when he gives the dogs a shower once a week. Our tri is a lot worse than the r/w.
Zak is also shedding like crazy. :D He always blows his coat in February and occassionally in the summer,but usually not until Sept. I highly recommend the Furminator - it works great!
Thank you so much. I bought a Furminator and it works great. I also bought the shampoo and daily spray. I also read an article which advises useing lanolin or a bit of olive oil on the coats of dogs that shed a lot. After several days it is supposed to help with the shedding.