My husband and I are taking our 6 month old Tri-color camping with us at the end of the month, our vet keeps telling us we should use some kind of flea/tick prevention. I have read a lot on different forums about the different kinds. I'm so afraid of making him sick, but on the other hand I want him protected while we are in the woods for a week. Can anybody help us with this situation?
This is the recipe of a herbal flea repellent taken from the "Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats" by Dr. Pitcairn :
"Combine one part each of as many of these powdered herbs as you can find:
- eucalyptus
- rosemary
- fennel
- yellow dock
- wormwood
- rue
Put the mixture in a jar; apply sparingly to the coat by brushing backward with your hand or the comb and sprinkling it into the base of the hairs on the neck, back and belly. Use several times a week."
It smells good and … it's natural !:D