How long ago was she dx'd? Seems it was very recent
She was just diagnosed this past November… it's only been about 6 months...
The grates are 0.5 inches by 3 inches each. I plan to put a large dog bed in there with them... so they will mostly be standing/laying on the bed so that should protect their feet.
Yeah, I didn't used to keep a bowl of water in their crate, but ever since she was diagnosed, I keep a bowl in there for her to drink. I don't think she really drinks it while I'm gone though.. usually the water is still there when I get home. Lenny won't drink it either. But it's in there if she decides she wants it.
I don't think Lenny has ever joined in on the crate peeing... I say this because Taydas urine is very dilute and really has no smell to it. I think if Lenny peed also it would really stink up the place.
The floor grate thing will arrive in a week or so hopefully so I'll report back with how it goes!
In the meantime I have another question about feedings... will go post it now...