Been a rainy two days in Fl Thor has not had the normal pool side runs. it’s our rainy season here in SW Fl. USA.
His paw is looking a bit better, less red between the toe, bottom pad as well. and back to a normal gait. The rest ( lack of running on deck pavers)....seems to be helping. I am going to stay on top of this problem because I can’t keep him from running....It’s his safe run area.
Basanji paws
All B's have the web feet. Apparently this trait is uaually found in water breeds? I found a list on the internet about webbed paws when my family was picking the dog for us.
Basenjis do not have web feet?
yeah….they shouldn't have webbed feet like a water dog. Some do have the toe pads of the middle toes fused but not all.
yeah….they shouldn't have webbed feet like a water dog. Some do have the toe pads of the middle toes fused but not all.
I've never seen webbed feet on a basenji. Of my 3, Ruby & Liyah have the middle toe pads fused, Brando does not.
Sorry everyone, I did mean the two front toes on the paws. I didn't mean webbed feet, Sorry for ruffling featers
Basenjis do not have web feet?
I mis typed, sorry. webbed toes on the paws. Orginial Basenjis taken to England in the 1930's were said to have connected toe pads. I refered to them as webbed, but I understand that it not acturate. Sorry Again
As an Italian and salami eater….all my dogs feet smelt like salami even my new basenji pup Duna. And i dont mean the salami slices,,,but the whole thing on the outside!!!!
But i love the smell ( stink) ha-ha!!! -
I totally noticed that paw thing the day we rescued Starla!! As for corn chips
Can anyone tell me if Basenjis can "spray," though? We've noticed that if Starla is doing something naughty or if she's nervous, she makes a skunky smell. ... I googled it and didn't pull anything up. Thanks a bunch!!! -
I totally noticed that paw thing the day we rescued Starla!! As for corn chips
Can anyone tell me if Basenjis can "spray," though? We've noticed that if Starla is doing something naughty or if she's nervous, she makes a skunky smell. ... I googled it and didn't pull anything up. Thanks a bunch!!!Sounds more like her anal glands are full and when that happens and they are frightened or nervous they can leak some of the fluid.
OH!! Do I need to have that taken care of? I've heard that a groomer can make their bums less itchy (she's never shown a sign of being itchy there… so...), when the glands need to be pressed, or released, or something (excuse my ignorance!).
Please let me know, and thanks a bunch for the information!! -
I haven't noticed Otis smelling weird when in trouble, but it sort of makes sense..other creatures excrete smells when scared or stressed so maybe B's does too.
OH!! Do I need to have that taken care of? I've heard that a groomer can make their bums less itchy (she's never shown a sign of being itchy there… so...), when the glands need to be pressed, or released, or something (excuse my ignorance!).
Please let me know, and thanks a bunch for the information!!Vet Techs can express the anal glands… (and groomers do so also).... I would suggest that you have it checked out... They don't get itchy, but they will scoot their butts on the ground (usually a rug if handy), not scratching, but trying to express the glands...
oops, I should have read all the posts. Sorry.
Yes anal glands can be stinky in any dog breed. How often do they need them expessed? Is that something pretty regular or does it wary from dog to dog? I have had my vet do my dogs in the past when they were in for their yearly check-ups, does that mean they need to be done once a year? -
It all depends on dogs, and appetites. Medjai used to have to have his done about every 3-4 weeks, but now he's been doing better. I actually thought he had to the other day, but they were fine. Every dog is different on this matter, but it's easy enough to do if you have to. There are RARE extreme circumstances where the vet may recommend surgical removal of the glands, but that's extremely rare.
Well, I will definitely have it checked out. She hasn't "scooted" or anything - I've totally seen dogs do that, though… it's just the smell, and only when she is stressed about something/chewing the couch/hears a loud noise (we've had her for almost three months now and she definitely is a different dog, but she is still a bit skiddish. after three years in a puppy mill, it will take time for her to rehabilitate... lots of love has done wonders already, though!!).
Hm. Well, thank you all so much for the information! I appreciate the forum very much! And, I finally figured out how to add pictures!! So, in case you want to check out li'l Starla Pancake ;)!! -
I looked at your pics and she is beautiful. She is very lucky girl to have you as her mommy. Hopefully the skiddishness will vane off with time, you are right three years with very little "normal life" will take time to heal. Good luck to both of you..
Thank you so much!! I feel lucky to have her, also! I think that she will be able to completely recover with time. Luckily, I stay at home, and that makes a big difference. I'm sure that it will take a year or two, perhaps more, but she's so smart and is doing so much better already that I have great expectations! Lots of licks to you all from Star!
Thanks again!!