Buana, Chafuko and Hailey
Are getting a brother or sister!!!!! :D
No not another B..
I'm now 2 months pregnant! :cool:
We always wanted children but we wanted to have a good and steady home.
So after a few times trying, a test was positive!!!!:pWe're so happy and looking forward to it.
Al of our family members are saying, ahhhhh The doggies getting a little brother or sister!!!! or Baby number 5!!! (doggies and cat)
I've read a lot about it and it's very important to us that the dogs know they're our first baby's and that it's nice to have a brother or sister. So we learned we to involve the dogs with everyting.
It seems they already feel someting, maybe it's weird to say but Buana wants to lie on my tummy and put his head next to were the baby lies.
(i grew 8cm already :eek:)
Buana is not a B, that lies always on our lap but since a few weeks.. the whole evening he lies with me and looks at me like he wants to say "ooow I love you"So, the dog people (they call us like that) are getting a humanpuppy :D
At 16 March, we get an echography to look how far I really am and how many their are (kas his father is a twin, also my grandmothers sisters are twins)
So it's exciting! -
Congratulations…your new baby will be such a blessing.
Aw, Congratulations!
I'm so happy for you!:D