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Rare Breed! HUH?

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  • Thanks Norm and others that posted. I wasn't trying to be unkind to the woman but she was really set on 'letting me have it', (ie "they ARE a rare new breed", etc..) I'm sure lab-poodle mixes have been found for many years in kill shelters throughout the US. Just another money making scam artist BYB in my opinion.

    (BTW, the punctuation is off in my starting post because I drafted the post at work in microsoft word, then did a copy/paste to the forums when I got home. All forums, discussion groups, video sites, etc are blocked at work. Sorry!!)

  • Just because they are popular, doesn't mean it's a good idea. Remember the Pet Rocks? (okay, probably not a proper, peacemaking response) Sometimes the best you can do is agree to disagree. I'd be tempted to ask about health testing. After all, that is something that all good breeders do.

  • @agilebasenji:

    Just because they are popular, doesn't mean it's a good idea. Remember the Pet Rocks? (okay, probably not a proper, peacemaking response) Sometimes the best you can do is agree to disagree. I'd be tempted to ask about health testing. After all, that is something that all good breeders do.

    Good response… and as already said, sometimes you just can't get the point across on what is or is not a responsible breeder... not even in people that are breeding pure bred pups.. as we have seen many times on the Forum... so sometimes you just have to agree to disagree...

    I like the idea about asking about health testing... but then you might just get the response, "the vet said they are all healthly"... and then you are back in the same position... sometimes just easier to walk away. However you could tell them that they might want to read on the National Club websites for Poodles and Labs what they think about Labradoodles, I think they have lots to say...

  • @tanza:

    Good response… and as already said, sometimes you just can't get the point across on what is or is not a responsible breeder... not even in people that are breeding pure bred pups.. as we have seen many times on the Forum... so sometimes you just have to agree to disagree...

    This is such a true statement. I had to turn around and walk out of the room at lunch the other day. One of the Ag teachers was showing off her new Mac laptop that "her dog bought". She bred her 10 month old Corgi puppy and sold the pups for $400 each to earn money to buy the computer. She was happily explaining to my other co-workers how she and her mom each got bitch puppies so they could earn some extra money. UGH!

    My co-workers didn't really know what to say, they all followed along with my pups and know I didn't make any money. On the other hand, they seem to make a differentiation between just breeding purebreds and breeding "show dogs". There is a huge education gap out there about what it is to be a responsible breeder and why as a pet owner you want to support responsible breeders.

  • I think that difference is the reason why many other countries in Europe allow dogs many places we do not, and are more strict about overbreeding. I would love to be able to take Medjai with me everywhere. It would be so nice to explain to everyone why, although Medjai is a really nice looking dog, it was imperative that he get neutered. My old roommate even said his aunt filed to be a kennel, so she could have as many dogs as she wants and breeds pit mixes (which I find horrendous).

  • Have you ever heard of a bullador?? I ran into a guy that told me he paid nearly $5,000 for one… a lab mixed with a english bulldog.... he stated that the pregnancy normally has to be helped along (artificial insemination?) and that 10 of the 14 pups were stillborn... that's just crazy and doesn't sound natural.

  • Thank you for the above posted links. I'm going to save them in case my coworker ever expresses an interest in further reading on the subject (highly doubtful but I can still hope)

  • @tanza:

    Here is another interesting read

    Thanks, I also thought both of the links were very informative. I knew about the original intent related to guide dogs in Australia but was not sure what the outcome of the breeding program actually was for that goal. While the original goal was admirable, it's a shame that it was hijacked for a pure-for-profit purpose in the end.

  • Well the guy in Eastern WI that came up with the name "Puggle' for a mix he had been breeding for years and "amazing how it took off when we came up with a good name." - he's trying to breed many breeds in a smaller size including St. Bernard. OHHHHH can't wait.

  • I don't agree with all this crossing breeds for a gimmick to make money.

    I met an ex-neighbour at our training class who had just bought a puppy (he didn't have it with him he was checking the class out) and asked what breed the puppy was, Labradoodle he replied, I asked if he minded if I asked how much he paid for it, ?800 he replied, I nearly fell off my chair ?800 for a crossbred!!

    We are starting to find these coming into rescue Kennels over here as they don't always live up to expectations.

  • @moetmum:

    We are starting to find these coming into rescue Kennels over here as they don't always live up to expectations.

    My point is being made! Too bad it's going this way, though.

  • Seems like more folks are breeding for looks only and trying to find the "next new designer breed." It's sad when so many dogs, mixed and purebreds, are looking for homes. I'm happy to say my Basenji/Whippet mix came from a local "kill" shelter.

  • re: jenwilson…..I think it's great that you were able to save a dog from being put down. As per my earlier post - it really is a shame that there are so many being put into shelters, for whatever reason. In other posts there have been mention of what responsible breeders go through for the betterment of the breed. Now we have all these mixes with no real science as to what looks & temperment will be. Not that we can't love the heinz57 variety, & I've had my share. But to purposely mill or BYB these animals for that extra $? Personally, I think some people should have a reality check. Just my 2cents.


  • Don't get me wrong, I love all dogs - I just prefer basenji
    BUT- I just couldn't resist….......remember, this is just in fun......
    AnnouncingThe newest & rare breed. After 2 generations of careful & selective breeding, we are pleased to introduce---the ****adoodle. The perfect match between chicken & poodle. We now have a dog with 4 drumsticks that will also supply you with eggs every morning for breakfast......How much do you think it will fetch?????

    Again, this is all in fun.


    We all know that diamonds are a girls best friend. But what/who is a guy's best friend?
    His wife/girlfriend or his dog?
    The ultimate test............
    Lock both of them in the trunk of the car for an hour.
    When they are let out, which will be happier to see him?


  • @gneigum:

    Don't get me wrong, I love all dogs - I just prefer basenji
    BUT- I just couldn't resist….......remember, this is just in fun......
    AnnouncingThe newest & rare breed. After 2 generations of careful & selective breeding, we are pleased to introduce---the ****adoodle. The perfect match between chicken & poodle. We now have a dog with 4 drumsticks that will also supply you with eggs every morning for breakfast......How much do you think it will fetch?????

    Again, this is all in fun.


    We all know that diamonds are a girls best friend. But what/who is a guy's best friend?
    His wife/girlfriend or his dog?
    The ultimate test............
    Lock both of them in the trunk of the car for an hour.
    When they are let out, which will be happier to see him?


    Ha, ha….very funny! I had a client that had a Bichon/Poodle and I decided to call it a bitchiepoo ;)

    And I totally agree with your prior post...if people want a 'designer' breed, all they need to do is go to their nearest rescue agency, and help a dog in need...that will say far more about their character than a $3000 labradoodle says about their bank account!

  • LOL, I know this conversation is pretty much over but I had to jump in anyway. I too, think the new "designer breeds" are silly. They make cute mutts sometimes, like my precious "Chiweenie". I never knew there was a name for a Chihuahua/Dacshund mix/mutt until we got him from a ….. !surprise! shelter. :p

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