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Greetings from Russia

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  • Greetings from Australia

    Member Introductions
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    5 Posts
    @jagali Its wonderful how an older Basenji will accept and bond with a puppy. We bought in Mku when Hoover's older half-brother died and she went into a decline. Utter misery ! However within a very short time they were soul-mates, he brought her back to almost puppy-hood, certainly to life-enjoyment and mischief. She taught him survival life-skills and how to gang up on Mom - Sadly Hoover herself left us a couple of weeks back and now I have a lonely wee Mku - I guess there is only one thing for it though . . . LOL
  • Greetings!

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    At 18 months and 7lbs I very much doubt that he's got Basenji in him but who knows. It doesn't matter,- he's a delightfulchap and good to have you both on here. Looking forward to more pictures.
  • Greetings from Nebraska

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    Great to have you and Gizzmo here with us. I can't wait to see some pictures! Regarding potty/pee training, do you have a command word to use to let Gizzmo know it's his pee time? We use 'hurry hurry'. Just remember that he'll need to pee after sleeping, eating and play times. In a thread awhile back, it was said that a dog at 5 months 'should' be able to hold their pee for 6 hours. The rule for that is taking their age and adding 1, hence Gizzmo could hold for 6 hours. At 5 months, I was setting the alarm for around 5:30 in the morning to get up and let Kipawa out. Eventually he was the one that let me know that he didn't want to be woken at 5:30 a.m. So, I decided to trust him, and he didn't let me down. No accidents. Gizzmo will be there in no time. Time flies when you have a basenji! :)
  • Greetings from Norway

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    Thanks. :) Kasko is from the norwegian breeder Kingwanas. From Mille and Tommy litter (G litter). I don't know 100% witch of the two black boys who is mine yet, probably my favorite :) (black boy nr 2)
  • Greetings…

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    Welcome to the forum!
  • Greetings

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    21 Posts
    @lvoss: Even these breeds shed. Anything that has hair will shed. Anyone with long hair can tell you that. I find strands of my hair on things all the time. If it has hair then it sheds. Some breeds like poodles, bichons, etc shed much less and the hair is different so people with allergies to dog hair are less likely to react. It is a bit different then shedding and by the way, short hair falls out too :D .. the hair falls out… it is usually mostly the dander that gets people's allergies going....