Look at me !!!
Soooooo sweet! Love the sheepbell!
OOH! Those wrinkles…love that loose skin...what a beautiful sunny day. Thanks for sharing.
I love the picture of the Tri chasing the pup…gggg Who is the Tri?
I'll try to explain : the Tri you see in the pictures is Ghandi du Vieux Bry ({Black Tan & White F} LOSH 1028790 Belgium 8 Dec 2007 ). His mom is Fuga Du Vieux Bry {Brindle & White F} France 21 Jan 2006, which is the daughter of Blg Ch Abotere's Badiri {F} NHSB 2460985 Holland 12 Jun 2003 which is also Bendji's mom. So I think (and help me if I'm wrong) Ghandi is Bendji's grand-niece …
Great pics and the brindle from alain.. (love her!!!!!!)
Benji is getting a very very beautiful man…Can't wait to see him!!!
Hey Kim ! Bendji has got his last but one shot last Saturday including the one against rabies so I have to wait 21 days before I can take him to a foreign country … Consequently we can plan some activities from 21st March on ... I'm looking forward to it !!!
Very, very cute.
Thanks for the first smile of the day. -
adorable pics. So cute, I want one!
Your wish is my command ;)
Here they come !
](http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk201/tsjoe007/BENDJI/DSCN0187.jpg[/IMG) Mr. Scarabee head
](http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk201/tsjoe007/BENDJI/DSCN0194.jpg[/IMG) Playing in his traveling bench
](http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk201/tsjoe007/BENDJI/DSCN0200.jpg[/IMG) Sleeping
](http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk201/tsjoe007/BENDJI/DSCN0209.jpg[/IMG) With his friend "Ciske the Rat"
](http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk201/tsjoe007/BENDJI/DSCN0212.jpg[/IMG) With his friend "Ciske the Rat"
The tongue sticking out is priceless
We had a scary day though: how Bendji succeeded in catching it we don't know but suddenly I saw him chewing on something strange … it was a plastic flask filled with Mercurochrome !!!!:eek:
He already pierced it before I could grab it and he ran away with it, soaked his alligator toy with the liquid, dropped it when I yelled at him and ran off ...
Luckily the liquid is waterbased so cleaning him and the gator was merely 5 minutes work and there were no stains of the liquid in his mouth ... Pfff. Scared the hell out of me !!!:eek:
BTW, all this happened at 5 AM because mister "high activity" was clearly awake (and I wasn't !!!!). GOOD MORNING !!!