Gift Exchange: Winter Holidays 2008
Where did you find the Basenji stockings?
Our friend got them for us. She is selling them in her online store:
Ok, I am going to try to post pictures of Tosca with her gifts again. They are described in my post above…enjoy :) She is still loving her gifts, especially the bully sticks, I am definitely going to have to pick up more of those. It was great to have them to keep her occupied over Christmas during all the family parties!
You are welcome! We are glad Tillo liked all his presents! Hopefully they will last for a couple of days…
Tillo handles his stuffed animals with care.. until he wants new ones :D
But they will probably last for at least a month or so.. :)
This morning we brought the ferret (which we named Wobble ;)) to the training, Tillo responded great to it :DSo, thanks again!
I haven't received mine yet. I check every day & know Dallas is pretty anxious!
Just a reminder, please send your packages to your gift buddies if you have not yet. It is important that this happens in a timely manner in order to continue having these gift exchanges.
This exchange works solely on the honor system. There is no way that the forum moderators or anyone else on this forum can enforce that people fulfill their promises to reciprocate an exchange of gifts with another member. If people sign up and don't meet their end of the bargain, it ruins it for everyone. So please make sure to fulfill your gift promise.
Those members who are still waiting please post the user name of your gift exchange buddy, so that they are aware that you have not gotten your package. The package might have been shipped out but it could have gotten lost in the mail, shipped from overseas or been shipped to the wrong address, it has happened in the previous exchange.
Thank you,
My buddy was/is PhocoenaGirl. I hope she received my package to her!