Well, as for well mannered. Once, I was told by the roomie of a friend I could bring Lycia over as LONG as she never peed on his bed. I found that threat to be hysterical, outside of it being dreadfully specific Lycia had never urinated on a bed in her life. And what do you think happened? For no reason what so ever, my little completely housebroken girl peed on his bed the following morning while he was at work. You have never seen an entire bed cleaned so throughly in such a short amount of time, I was throughly embarrassed. She has never done it since.
It's the universe at work. If you don't want something like not wanting your B to do something or are resisting something believe me you're going to get it. That what you resist you get, like peeing on a bed. ;). I've been thinking about this since I got Buddy. I worry more about him than I did with my previous three Basenjis. I rarely had problems with them. So I'm trying to go back to back to that mind set. It's like your thoughts go right into their little heads.