In Heat?
How long before the bitch become sick re the "remaining" pups/afterbirth? If any?
Could be hours, could be days… that is why is it very important for her health to be check by a Vet ASAP...
No, but she hasn't come out of her "Room" (crate) in several hours now
I have to say, that is a very bad sign…. I know understand that you have issues with money and can appreciate it... however... this IMO is a critical situation that she is seen by a Vet....
Is she eating or drinking?
Does she have any discharge?
I know it's late in the evening where you are.Do you happen to have a 24 hour vet clinic. You may want to Seriously consider taking Sheba in tonight. Even more so if she is refusing food. And imensly more if she is not drinking.
I know it has been a rough day, but please do what you can to avoid making it an even tougher experience. You don't want to have any provlems with Sheba now if you can help it.
Hugz to your whole family and know that I am thinking about you all tonight. :)
If she is not eating or drinking, is listless, then she needs to get to a vet ASAP. It is actually normal to have discharge after whelping as the uterus expels everything and cleans itself out. If she is having no discharge, and if you can not be certain that she expelled all the afterbirth, she needs to be seen by a vet. A retained placenta or dead puppy can become a life threatening infection rapidly.
If she is not eating or drinking, is listless, then she needs to get to a vet ASAP. It is actually normal to have discharge after whelping as the uterus expels everything and cleans itself out. If she is having no discharge, and if you can not be certain that she expelled all the afterbirth, she needs to be seen by a vet. A retained placenta or dead puppy can become a life threatening infection rapidly.
Please let us know how your girl is.
We really do care about her and you. -
I know it's late in the evening where you are.Do you happen to have a 24 hour vet clinic. You may want to Seriously consider taking Sheba in tonight. Even more so if she is refusing food. And imensly more if she is not drinking.
I know it has been a rough day, but please do what you can to avoid making it an even tougher experience. You don't want to have any provlems with Sheba now if you can help it.
Hugz to your whole family and know that I am thinking about you all tonight. :)
Great advise…. in the long run the money you spend doing this now, may be less then if you wait....
They are aproximatly 35 miles from you, which I know is a bit of a drive, but their website has info on how to setup an emergency after hours appointment tonight if you need it.
Hope this helps.
I just found this website, and I don't know how good they are but they do seem to have experts, veterinarians, online and can probably give you better advice then any of us can about what you should be doing for Sheba right now.
How is your girl this morning?
Oh goodness… heart goes out to you. It must have been a terrifying night....or day.....or however long it has been. I'm sending hugs and love you and your family's way....